A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

ПРОЛЕЋЕ И ПАСХУ НИШТА НЕ МОЖЕ УКИНУТИ - Васкршња порука Епископа Лосанђелеског Максима (II део)

Хришћани су већ доживели искуство љубави и милосрђа Божијег и знају да их Он неће оставити ”сиротима”. Као што пролеће опојно делује на све, тако за све хришћане Пасха делује опојно и радосно. И као што ће овогодишње Пролеће за највећи број људи бити недоступан плод, тако ће и Васкрс као литургијски догађај бити многима недоступан. Али, да ли можемо да кажемо да свет не опитује пролеће? Не! Да ли можемо да кажемо да хришћани не опитују Пасху? Никако! Дакле, иако не можемо да се радујемо пролећу у природи, тако не можемо Пасху да славимо у њеном природном окружењу, а то је храм. Али, и Пролеће је ту и Пасха је ту.



People Directory

Bogdan Maglich

Bogdan Maglich (also spelled Maglic or Maglić) (born August 5, 1928 in Sombor, Yugoslavia) is a nuclear physicist and the leading advocate of a purported non-radioactive aneutronic fusion energy source. Maglich's Migma fusion would use colliding ion beams. He is the son of a lawyer and elected member of the Yugoslav Royal Parliament. At the age of 12, he and his mother were imprisoned in a Croatian Nazi concentration camp for Serbs, but they subsequently escaped.

Maglich received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Belgrade in 1951, his Master of Science degree from theUniversity of Liverpool in 1955, and his Ph.D. in high-energy physics and nuclear engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1959. Upon receiving his Ph.D., Maglich joined Dr. Louis Alvarez's research group at Lawrence Berkely Lab. During this time, he participated in the discovery of the omega meson and invented the "sonic spark chamber".

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Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection

Proceedings of the Symposium on St. Maximus the Confessor

The present volume is a collection of presentations delivered at the St Maximus the Confessor International Symposium held in Belgrade at the University of Belgrade from 18 to 21 October 2012. The Belgrade Symposium brought together the following speakers: Demetrios Bathrellos, Grigory Benevitch, Calinic Berger, Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Brian Daley, Paul Gavrilyuk, Atanasije Jevtić, Joshua Lollar, Andrew Louth, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Maximos of Simonopetra, Ignatije Midić, Pascal Mueller-Jourdan, Alexei Nesteruk, Aristotle Papanikolaou, George Parsenios, Philipp Gabriel Renczes, Nino Sakvarelidze, Torstein Tollefsen, George Varvatsoulias, Maxim Vasiljević, Christos Yannaras, and John Zizioulas. The papers and discussions in this volume of the proceedings of the Belgrade Symposium amply attest to the reputation of Saint Maximus the Confessor as the most universal spirit of the seventh century, and perhaps the greatest thinker of the Church.

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