A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Biljana D. Obradović and John Gery

Biljana D. Obradović, a Serbian-American poet, translator, and critic has lived in Greece, India, and the United States. She is associate professor of english at Xavier University of Louisiana, in New Orleans.

She has two collections of poems, Frozen Embraces and Le Riche Monde. Her poems also appear in Three Poets in New Orleans and in anthologies and magazines, such as Like Thunder: Poets Respond in Violence in America, Key West: A Collection, Poetry East, Bloomsbury Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Plum Review.


In addition to her own poetry, other works include her Serbian translation of John Gery's American Ghosts: Selected Poems, Stanley Kunitz's The Long Boat, Fives: Fifty Poems by Serbian and American Poets, A Bilingual Anthology, and a collection of Bratislav Milanovic's poems in The Unnecessary Chronicle. She also reviews books for World Literature Today and others.

Биљана Д. Обрадовић рођена је 1961. године у Београду, дипломирала је енглески језик на Филолошком факултету у Београду, пре тога је ишла у америчку основну школу у Солуну, а енглеску гимназију завршила је у Индији. Једно време је предавала енглески језик у школи "Милица Павловић", а онда је отишла у Америку, где је 1995. године докторирала на креативном писању. На Хавијер Универзитету у Луизијани предаје креативно писање и преводи збирку песама свога супруга Џона Герија "Амерички дух". У Србији је објавила две збирке песама, двојезично, на српском и енглеском: "Замрзнути загрљај" и "Богат свет". Биљана и Џон Гери имају сина Петра.

John Gery's poetry, criticism, and reviews have appeared throughout the United States and Europe, including in Callaloo, the Iowa Review, New Orleans Review, Paideuma, Prairie Schooner, and West Branch.

He has also been a collaborative translator of works in serbian, armenian, chinese, and french. A research professor of english at the University of New Orleans, he directs the Ezra Pound Center for Literature, Brunnenburg, Italy. He was a research fellow at the University of Minnesota and a Fulbright fellow at the University of Belgrade.

Among Gery's books of poetry are Charlemagne: A Song of Gestures, The Enemies of Leisure, American Ghost: Selected Poems (English-Serbian, translated by Biljana Obradovic), Davenport's Version, and A Gallery of Ghosts.

He lives in New Orleans with his wife, poet Biljana Obradovic, and their son Petar.



People Directory

Helen Delich Bentley

United States Congresswoman

Helen Delich Bentley was born on November 28, 1923. She was an American politician and a former Republican U.S. House Representative from the second district of her adopted home state of Maryland.

She was born in the tiny town of Ruth, White Pine County, Nevada, and attended the University of Nevada and George Washington University. She earned a BA from University of Missouri in 1944. She was a maritime reporter and editor of the Baltimore Sun and served on the Federal Maritime Commission from 1969 to 1975.

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Man and the God-Man

by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

"Father Justin Popovich, pan-orthodox witness to the God-revealed and Christ-given Eternal Truth, whose testimony can be even seen within this collection of his articles - that "the mystery of Truth is not in material things, not in ideas, not in symbols, but in Personhood, namely the Theanthropic Person of the Lord Christ, Who said: I am the Truth (John 14:6), Truth perfect, never diminished, always one and the same in its complete fullness - yesterday, today, and forever (Heb.13:8)."

The treasure to be found in this anthology of neopatristic syntheses consists of: "Perfect God and perfect man" - Nativity Epistle, where Fr Justin boldly exclaim that "man is only a true man when he is completely united with God, only and solely in God is man a man, true man, perfect man, a man in whom all the fullness of Godhead lives."; "The God-man" - The foundation of the Truth of Orthodoxy - Ava Justinian language of love in Christ-centered reflections of Truth; "The Supreme Value and Infallible Criterion"- contemporary philosophical reflections on visible and invisible realities; "Sentenced to Immortality" - a homily on the Resurrection or Our Lord Jesus Christ; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Culture"-criticism of European anti-Christian culture; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Education" - indicative pondering of consequences of education without God.. ; "The Theory of Knowledge of Saint Isaac the Syrian" - Faith, prayer, love, humility, grace and freedom, the purification of the intellect, mystery of knowledge; "A Deer in a Lost Paradise" - Ava's renowned poetic essay, a confession, and deepest longing for all-sweetest Jesus...