A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Премијера „Теслиног народа“ на Коларцу

Документарни филм „Теслин народ“, који прати судбине више од седамдесет истакнутих Срба у Сједињеним Америчким Државама, премијерно се приказује вечерас у Коларчевој задужбини. Рађен је у продукцији РТС-а и „Оптимистик филма“ уз пoдршку Министарства културе, Америчке амбасаде и Савета за креативне индустрије.

После вечерашње премијере, филм ће се приказивати у биоскопима широм Србије, следеће године и у Америци. Теслин народ биће приказан и на РТС-у.

Разговор Снежане Стаменковић Јојић са редитељем Жељком Мирковићем и глумцем Џеком Димићем можете погледати на веб-страници Радио Телевизије Србије.



People Directory

Dimitrije Djordjevic

Dimitrije Djordjevic, Professor of History, Emeritus, at the University of California, Santa Barbara, member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, died in Santa Barbara on March 5, 2009, one week after his 87th birthday.

Professor Djordjevic was one of the leading historians of Serbia and the Balkans in the 19th and early 20th century, a man of vast knowledge, held in great esteem in national and international scholarly circles. He was a founding member of the North American Society for Serbian Studies and its former President.

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An American Apostle, Sebastian Dabovic

Missionary and Visionary

Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovic on DVD

This DVD is an historical video presentation on the life and work of Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovic, a man referred to by St. Nicholai (Velimirovic) of Zhicha, Serbia, as "the greatest Serbian Missionar of modern times."

We encourage every Orthodox Christian family to purchase a copy of this DVD to share with their children, family, and friends so we remember the first american-born Serbian Orthodox Apostle to America, Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovic.