A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Preminuo pisac Aleksandar Petrov

Pisac Aleksandar Petrov preminuo je sinoć (19. 11. 2021) u svom domu u Beogradu u 84. godini, posle duge borbe sa teškom bolešću.

Rođen u Nišu 1938, studije književnosti završio je u Beogradu, a doktorirao je na poeziji Miloša Crnjanskog, što je prvi doktorski rad na ovu temu. Radio je u Institutu za književnost i umetnost (1964-1990), bio osnivač i glavni urednik časopisa "Književna istorija", urednik srpske sekcije "Amerikanskog Srbobrana", najstarijih srpskih novina u dijaspori, član redakcije "Književnih novina", predsednik Udruženja književnika Srbije (1986-1988), predavač na mnogobrojnim univerzitetima na svih pet kontinenata, poslednji vršilac dužnosti predsednika Saveza književnika Jugoslavije, kao i jedan od osnivača Vukove zadužbine.

U vreme žestokih rasprava u Francuskoj 7, duboko razočaran tadašnjim kulturnim (ne)prilikama, Petrov je 1991. dao ostavku na mesto prvog čoveka UKS i otišao u Japan, gde je godinu dana predavao na Univerzitetu Hokaido. Dve godine kasnije prešao je u Pitsburg gde je na tamošnjem univerzitetu na Katedri za slavistiku predavao Srpsku kulturu i jezik i bio saradnik "Centra za ruske i istočnoevropske studije".

Kao pesnik se oglasio zbirkom "Sazdanac" (1971), posle koje su usledile knjige "Poslednje Kosovo", "Istočni dlan", "Kamen i zvono", "Peta strana sveta". Pesme su mu prevedene na 29 jezika, a zbirke objavljene u Americi, Engleskoj, Švedskoj, Francuskoj, Španiji, Rusiji, Poljskoj, Kini, Japanu... Objavio je četiri romana:"Kao zlato u vatri" (koji je imao tri izdanja), "Turski Beč", "Lavlja pećina i "Memoroman".

Autor je i mnogobrojnih knjiga kritika, eseja i studija, kao što su "Razgovor s poezijom", "U prostoru proze", "Krila i vazduh", kao i nekoliko veoma zapaženih antologija.

Izvor: B92



People Directory

Louis Cukela

Louis Cukela (May 1st, 1888 - March 19th, 1956) was a famous United States Marine. He was awarded both the Navy and Army Medals of Honor, as well as numerous decorations from France, Italy, and his native Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

He was born and raised in Split (while it was still under Austro-Hungarian rule), and subsequently attended the Merchant Academy and later, the Royal Gymnasium, both for two years. In 1913, Cukela emigrated to the United States and, with his brother, settled in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

On September 21st, 1914, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Three years later, on January 31st 1917, with war raging in Europe, he enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps. Following the United States' entry into the conflict, he went to France and fought alongside his servicemen in the 5th Marines.

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On The Holy Liturgy

by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich

The Divine Liturgy is at the center of Orthodox Christian life. It is through the Eucharist that the faithful are united with Christ and therefore with one another. Every Eucharistic gathering is an image and a reality of the Heavenly Liturgy, i.e. unceasing Synaxis of angels and saints around God’s throne. Thus the Liturgy is the proclamation of and a real image of God’s Kingdom in this world.

In this television interview conducted by the Logos, a renowned Orthodox theologian and retired Bishop of Zahumlje and Hercegovina, his Grace Atanasije, brings forth these essential points citing historical development of the Liturgies bringing to light the present misunderstanding of certain Liturgical actions and movements.

Bishop Atanasije aptly points out the necessity for Liturgical renewal, i.e. moving away from passive liturgical attendance to active participation and immersion of the soul and body into a full communion with Christ.

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