A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

The Role of the Deacons in the Church

Theology and Pastoral Practice

Maxim Vasiljevic
Bishop of Los Angles and the Western Diocese

A presentation delivered during the "Diaconate Ministry Formation" course hosted by the Western American Diocese in Los Angeles on March 26, 2024.

“Therefore, brothers, select from among yourselves seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of Wisdom...” Acts 6:3


Welcome to our presentation on the diaconate in the Church: a journey through history, spirituality, and theology. This paper delves into the profound significance of the Church as manifested and understood through the Eucharist—the ultimate expression of the Church's incorporation in Christ across space and time.

Central to our exploration is the unity achieved in the Eucharist, a unity embodied by the bishop's role in persona Christi, who, as the Eucharistic president, is instrumental in constituting the Church's mystery. Through ordination, the bishop distributes the charisms necessary for various Church ministries, among which the ministry of the deacon stands as foundational.

From the earliest days of the Church, as emphasized by St. Ignatius of Antioch toward the end of the first century, the deacon, alongside the bishop and presbyters, has been vital to the Church's structure.

St. Ignatius eloquently articulated the inseparability of these roles from the Church's identity, asserting that a community lacks the essence of Church without the presence of these ordained ministers.

The Church realizes its unity when the community is "with the bishop and the presbyters and the deacons who are with the bishop"; "without these," he writes, "[the community] cannot be called a Church" (To the Trallians 3.1). The deacon's role—closely linked to Christ Himself—is a testament to the belief that all ministries reflect aspects of Christ's service.

Despite its pivotal role, the diaconate has experienced a diminishing of its original stature over the centuries, often being seen merely as a forerunner to the priesthood. However, the fundamental ecclesiastical structure, especially within the Orthodox Church, has remained consistent, emphasizing a community centered around the bishop, supported by presbyters and deacons, and crucially involving the laity.

Our course aims to reacquaint you with the diaconate's indispensable role through a historical, spiritual, and theological lens.

We will mention the early Christian and apostolic periods; then Byzantine times and the present, rediscovering the diaconate's significance and exploring its current challenges and spiritual dimensions.

Despite the wealth of scholarship on the episcopate and presbyterate, the diaconate has been somewhat overlooked. This course fills that gap, offering an examination of the diaconate's evolution, purpose, and continuing importance in the life of the Church today.

So, join us as we uncover the rich canvas of the diaconate's role in the Church's history and its profound implications for contemporary Christian practice and theology.

Christological approach

As we delve into the question of the Church's ministry and the ordination to this sacred service, it is imperative that our exploration begins from a Christological standpoint. This is not merely coincidental; the New Testament is replete with instances where ministerial titles, familiar to the early Church, are directly attributed to Christ Himself.

He is referred to as the Apostle in Hebrews 3:1, the Prophet in Matthew 23:8 and John 18:13, the Priest as seen in Hebrews 5:6, 8:4, 10:21, and 2:17, the Bishop (ἐπίσκοπος) in 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4, and Hebrews 13:13, the Deacon in Romans 15:8 and Luke 22:27, with a reference in Philippians 2:7, amongst others. This attribution underscores the pre-eminence of Christ in everything, as stated in Colossians 1:18.

Furthermore, according to the ancient model practiced by the early Church, the role of deacons was pivotal. They served as a critical liaison or link between the bishop and the people. Their ministry involved bringing the gifts of the people to the bishop and then returning these offerings back to the congregation in the form of the Eucharist.

This symbiotic relationship between the different ministries within the Church highlights the integral role each plays in mirroring the multifaceted ministry of Christ Himself.

Deacons in the καθολικὴ ἐκκλησία

Let's dive into how St. Ignatius of Antioch took a page from Paul's playbook (Pauline ecclesiology) and cranked the volume on linking the Church and the Eucharist.

For Ignatius, this wasn't just about any church gathering around bread and wine; it was about transforming it into the capital-C Church, the whole, united Body of Christ. The Eucharist not only transforms the local catholic community into the Church but also constitutes it as the catholic Church (καθολικὴ ἐκκλησία), representing the complete and unified Body of Christ. Imagine a community coming together, led by the bishop, with the support crew of presbyters and deacons, all in the mix with the congregation. That's what Ignatius called the "catholic Church," where you find the full presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Back in the day, Ignatius was adamant that you couldn't even call it a Church if you didn't have these key players: the bishop, the deacons, and the presbyters. He was basically saying, "No bishop, no deacons, no presbyters? Then, it's not really the Church."

And about the deacons? — Those guys were crucial. They were the go-betweens for the bishop and the people, making sure everything in the community ran smoothly, especially during prayers and communion.

But fast forward to today, and it feels like deacons are more about the ceremony than about being essential to the Eucharist. It's like their once-crucial role has faded into the background. So, the big question Ignatius might throw our way is: "Do we still need deacons for the Eucharist?"  It's a tough one, especially since many might say, "Well, not really."

Yet, back in Ignatius' time, without deacons, you were missing a vital link in the chain connecting the bishop to the people. But, what about the presbyters?

Unus presbyterus nullus presbyterus

Once upon a time, being a presbyter was a team sport; they worked together, especially when it came to the Eucharist. But then, things got a bit solo. Gradually, one presbyter could handle the whole Eucharist gig, stepping into shoes that were once filled by a bishop. However, in the Ignatian scheme: it's like that old saying, "one presbyter alone is practically no presbyter at all." (unus presbyterus nullus presbyterus).

Basically, when the presbyter started doing the bishop's job, it blurred the lines and the special role of presbyters kind of got lost in the mix. The bottom line? The whole setup of the local Church got a bit wobbly.

Here's the thing: bishops, presbyters, deacons, and laypeople—they've all got their own parts to play. The Church isn't a one-man band; it's more like a symphony, with each part essential to the harmony. Even something as simple as the layman's "Amen" has its own place that can't just be filled by anyone else. Each role is unique, and it's all about working together, each contributing their part to the Church's big picture.

Let's get back to the core essence of being a deacon: being the ultimate connector!

Ultimate connectors

Think of deacons as the ultimate connectors, bridging the gap between the bishop and the congregation. As we said, they're not just passing along messages; they're transferring the community's prayers and offerings to God and then bringing back God's gifts to the people through the Eucharist. This role keeps the Church from splitting into two separate groups, clergy and laypeople, blending them into a dynamic, unified community. It's a bit like they're the Church's heartbeat, ensuring everything keeps flowing smoothly between the divine and the everyday.

Deacons are a bit of a theological puzzle. They're ordained, sure, but they don't lead or offer the Eucharist. They hover somewhere between clergy and laypeople, acting as a crucial intermediary. This has been the case since the early Church days, with St. Ignatius of Antioch insisting that a true Church must have bishops, presbyters, deacons, and the people; take one out, and the structure crumbles.

In the Orthodox tradition, where the Eucharist is seen as an icon into the Kingdom of God, these four groups depend on each other. No one group can claim full authority without the others, reinforcing the idea that the Church is a community at its core. The role of the deacon, along with presbyters and bishops, originated from the Eucharistic assembly, making them permanent fixtures in the Church's structure. These roles aren't just about hierarchy; they're about facilitating a connection with the divine, with each ordination happening within the Eucharist itself. This isn't just a custom; it's a profound statement that the Eucharist is the wellspring of the Church's life and structure.

Ordination of deacons

Ordinations to the diaconate sometimes happen during the Liturgy of the Presanctified. This tradition started because the deacon is ordained shortly before Holy Communion in a full Liturgy, and since the Presanctified Liturgy is about receiving Communion, it seemed fitting to include the ordination during this service.

However, this overlooks the deeper significance of ordination within the Eucharist, which symbolizes the Kingdom's image, evident in early Church practices.

Unlike other ordinations that occur outside the Eucharist, at the end of matins, usually (people are “set apart” for all the other orders—subdeacon, reader, etc.), deacon ordinations have always been seen as part of ministries reflecting and constructing the eschatological community.

In some traditions, where the bishop represents the Father deacons symbolize Jesus as the Servant of God or the ministering angels, depending on how the bishop is represented. “Where the bishop represents Christ who occupies the Throne of God, the deacons represent the “ministering spirits sent forth to serve” (Heb. 1:14), the angels, as Byzantine tradition and iconography perceived and described the deacons.

If ordination were simply understood, as outlined in our Dogmatics, as the conveyance of charisma from the bishop to the ordinand through apostolic succession, then, as Metropolitan John of Pergamon once said, the bishop would be able to perform ordinations in his office, at home, or any other location, given that he inherently carries the charisma of apostolic succession everywhere.

Deeper symbolism

Adding to the intricate tapestry of Church functions is the pivotal role of the bishop, who acts as a vital bridge connecting the local with the universal Church.

The bishop is a unique figure within our local community, distinct from presbyters, deacons, and laypeople, not just by the scope of their responsibilities but by the nature of their ordination.

Unlike other roles that are typically ordained by a single bishop, the bishop themselves is ordained by multiple bishops, emphasizing a ministry that extends far beyond the confines of the local community. “In fact, it is the bishop that makes each local Church catholic. And this applies also to the Eucharist.”

Let's dive into the heart of the Liturgy, where the Divine Eucharist isn't just an item but a dynamic action—think of it as the ultimate spiritual event. This isn't just about allegory; it's about being part of a living, moving picture that represents something much bigger. From the early Church thinkers like St. Maximus to Nicholas Cabasilas, the Divine Eucharist is seen as a gathering, a liturgy, where everything and everyone symbolizes something from the Kingdom of God.

Imagine the church as a mini-kingdom, with Christ the King at the center, the bishop as Christ's stand-in, priests as the Apostles, deacons as angels— who, as “ministering spirits sent forth to serve” (Heb. 1:14), move between the people and the clergy—and the congregation bringing gifts symbolizing the unity and offering of God's people.

This iconic symbolism isn't just for show; it represents the journey of salvation across time. The bishop's entrance isn't just an entrance; it symbolizes Christ coming into the world, His first and second coming, welcomed by all as we would welcome Christ Himself. Every part of the Liturgy, from the readings to the peace kiss, mirrors the future Kingdom, our eternal gratitude, and the unity of souls in heaven.

Over time, interpretations evolved, with some focusing more on Christ's life on earth and others on the ultimate salvation story. But the essence remains: the Liturgy is a living image of the Kingdom to come, shaped significantly by Ignatius of Antioch. He taught that true spiritual life comes from being part of this eucharistic community, led by the bishop, with every faithful soul intertwined in this divine gathering. So, what does this mean for us today? It challenges us to see beyond the rituals to the profound communal and spiritual journey they represent, connecting us directly to the early Church and the eternal Kingdom of God.

Angelic ministry

Let's bridge the gap between deacons and angels for a moment. Picture angels as these incredible, celestial beings whose main gig is to constantly shower God with praises, belting out "Holy, holy, holy Lord of hosts" and living to glorify Him. That's their eternal mission, and it's pretty awe-inspiring. Now, these heavenly ministers don't just hang out in the divine realm; they're believed to join us right here during the most sacred moments of worship, like the Divine Eucharist or Liturgy.

Think it sounds a bit out there? Well, it's actually deeply rooted in our traditions. Just take a glance at Byzantine art, where deacons are often depicted with a hint of the angelic about them. That's because, in the grand scheme of things, deacons play a similar role to angels, serving the bishop and priests, acting as earthly echoes of these heavenly ministers.

So, when we gather for the Liturgy, it's not just us in the room; it's believed that angels are right there with us, participating in this slice of eternity. It's like our worship here mirrors the grand, cosmic Liturgy that's always unfolding around God's throne. In this way, deacons, with their liturgical duties, link us directly to the angels, making them our partners in praising the divine. It's a beautiful thought—our very own liturgical spirits, bridging heaven and earth.


In this presentation we have tried to illuminate the profound significance of the diaconate in the Church’s theology and pastoral practice. From its origins in the early Church to its evolving role in contemporary worship, the deacon’s ministry remains essential for maintaining the Church’s unity and sacramental life. Through theological exploration and historical analysis, we tried to reaffirm the integral nature of ordained ministries within the ecclesiastical structure. The role of the deacon as a bridge between clergy and laity, mirroring Christ's servanthood, has been underscored throughout our discussion. As we navigate the complexities of modern worship, it is imperative to recognize and uphold the vital contributions of deacons to the Church's spiritual vitality and communal cohesion. Ultimately, the diaconate stands as a timeless symbol of Christ's selfless love and servant leadership, guiding the faithful in their journey towards unity with God and one another.



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Jelena Vuckovic

Jelena Vuckovic is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Ginzton Laboratory at Stanford University, where she leads the Nanoscale and Quantum Photonics Lab. She received her PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 2002, and M.Sc. and Diploma in Engineering degrees from Caltech and University of Nis, Serbia, respectively. Upon graduation from Caltech, she has held the following positions at Stanford University: a postdoctoral scholar (January-August 2002), an acting assistant professor (August-December 2002), an assistant professor (January 2003-August 2008), an associate professor of electrical engineering with tenure (September 2008- January 2013), and a professor of electrical engineering (since February 2013).

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Residents of Heaven

An Exhibit of Byzantine and Modern Orthodox Icons

Residents of Heaven is a book of Icons by Father Stamatis Skliris which were prepared for "An Exhibit of Byzantine and Modern Orthodox Icons" held at the "David Allan Hubbard Library, Fuller Theological Seminary" in Pasadena, California, June 10 - July 5, 2010.

The iconographer, V. Rev. Stamatis Skliris, attended the opening of the exhibit with His Grace, Bishop Maxim who gave the Introduction. The mounting of the display was done by Jasminka Gabrie and the staff of the Fuller Library. The opening event was organized by Dr. William Dyrness, Director of the Visual Faith Institute, Brehm Center for Worship, Theology and the Arts, Fuller Seminary.