A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Allex Mandusich

Andjelko "Big Jake Alex" Mandusich is a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and was one of the greatest Serbian-American heroes of World War I.

He was born on July 13th, 1887 at Sar Planina, Serbia. In 1905, at the age of 18, he immigrated to America.

When the US entered World War I, Mandusich immediately enrolled himself in the Army. During the battle in Amiens region in France in August of 1918, Jake, now a corporal, advanced his men at Chipilly Ridge; there were many casualties and in the heat of the battle Alex realized that all officers had been hit and that he was now the leader of his platoon. His men were pinned down by machine gunfire from a German nest thirty yards away. Under intense fire Manudsich made his way to the nest alone; he pulled out his bayonet and attacked.. He killed five Germans outright but then his bayonet snapped. He used the barrel of his bayonet as a club and subdued fifteen more enemy soldiers. When the rest of the platoon arrived Alex was immediately recognized as a hero and nicknamed "Big Jake". For his amazing bravery Big Jake was awarded the highest distinction given to a United States soldier, the Congressional Medal of Honor.

He also received numerous medals from different countries: U.S. Distinguished Service Cross/Victory Medal with Four Bars, France's Medaille Militaire and Croise de Guerre with Palms, Yugoslav's Gold Karageorge Star with Cross Sabers, Great Britain Distinguished Conduct Medal, Italy' Merito Guerre, and others.

Following the end of the War and his discharge from the U.S. Army, Big Jake returned to Yugoslavia and spent several years in King Alexander's Royal Guard.



People Directory

Natasha Pavlovich

Natasha Pavlovich is a Serbian-American entrepreneur; an accomplished Hollywood actress, International Beauty Queen, Aviatrix, Future Astronaut, and soon to be published author. She is a descendent of Grand Duke Pavle Radenović of Bosnia (late 14th Century). She was born to Serbian parents and spent her early years in former Yugoslavia before immigrating to America to join relatives in Chicago, Illinois.

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History, Truth, Holiness

by Bishop Maxim Vasiljevic

Bishop Maxim’s first book, described by Fr. John Breck as an “exceptionally important collection of essays” contributing to both the theology of being and also contemporary theological questions, is now available! Christos Yannaras describes Bishop Maxim as “a theologian who illumines” and Fr. John McGuckin identifies his work as “deeply biblical and patristic, academically learned yet spiritually rich.” The first half of the book collects papers emphasizing theological ontology and epistemology, reminding us how both the mystery of the Holy Trinity and that of the Incarnation demand that we rethink every philosophical supposition; it includes chapters on holiness as otherness, truth and history, and the biochemistry of freedom. The second half of the book features lectures dedicated to the theological questions posed by modern theology, including studies of Orthodox and Roman Catholic ecclesiology, liturgics, and the theology of icons.