A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Miroslav Tadić

Guitarist, composer and improviser Miroslav Tadic completed his formal music education in the United States after studying in Italy and his native Yugoslavia.

He has performed and recorded in a wide variety of settings and musical styles, ranging from music of the Baroque and Classical periods to Blues, Jazz, and Rock.

Tadic's performing and recording credits include projects with Mark Nauseef, The Los Angeles Opera with Placido Domingo, Howard Levy, Joachim Kühn, L. Shankar, Markus Stockhausen, Dusan Bogdanovic, Vlatko Stefanovski, Teofilovic Brothers, Wadada Leo Smith, David Torn, Maria João, Jack Bruce, The Grande Mothers, Theodosii Spassov, Kudsi Erguner, Djivan Gasparyan, Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri and Ustad Ashish Khan, among others.


Tadic has recorded worldwide and his music can be heard on CMP Records, M–A Recordings, Third Ear, Avalon, Croatia Records, ENJA, Nine Winds and Sony/BMG. He performs regularly in Europe, North and South America and Japan.

In recent years Tadic has concentrated on developing an approach to improvisation which combines and juxtaposes musical material drawn from many diverse sources, including Baroque, European classical and North Indian classical music, Flamenco, Eastern European folk traditions, Blues, Jazz, and Rock. He is noted for his pioneering work in applying the elements of classical and flamenco techniques to the electric guitar.

He has composed solo and chamber music which is published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan. Tadic has written music for numerous experimental film, dance and theatre works and most recently completed music for Croatian feature film “Seventy Two Days” by Danilo Serbedzija.

Since 1985 he has been a professor at the prestigious California Institute of the Arts in Los Angeles.

Official website

For more thorough and detailed information on Miroslav Tadic, please check out these excellent interviews:



With Vlatko Stefanovski

With Vlatko Stefanovski and Theodosii Spassov

With Vlatko Stefanovski, Theodosii Spassov and Swapan Chaudhuri

With Howard Levy

With Howard Levy and Mark Nauseef


With the Grande Mothers

With Rade Serbedzija



People Directory

Alexander Dzigurski

By Milana Karlo Bizic

One of America's greatest artists of Serbian extraction, Alexander Dzigurski, recently passed away in San Francisco, near his beloved Pacific Ocean. Dzigurski was an internationally known artist, famous for his unique and colorful seascapes. He was blessed with a prolific talent for capturing the action and color of the sea on canvas. One of his larger canvases (36"x48"), called From Sea to shining Sea, hangs in the Franklin Mint Museum. It was painted in 1976, in honor of the nations Bicentennial, when the Franklin Mint Gallery of American Art commissioned him "as America's finest painter of the sea" to paint his expression of the sea that bounds the beauty of this noble land.

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The Prologue of Ohrid

St Nikolai of Zica (Velimirovic) (1880-1956) has been called the "Serbian Chrysostom" for his theological depth and golden-tongued eloquence. Now for the first time, a complete and unabridged English translation of St. Nikolai's Prologue of Ohrid has been made available. St. Nikolai's Prologue has become a much-loved spiritual classic for Orthodox Christians worldwide. An inspirational source-book of the Orthodox Faith, it contains within its pages a summation of the Church's wisdom and Her experience of sanctity through the Grace of Jesus Christ. Lives of Saints, Hymns, Reflections and Homilies are presented for every day of the year. St. Nikolai's beautiful Hymns have never before appeared in English.

The text of this 1,450-page magnum opus of St. Nikolai has been translated from the Serbian and edited by clergy and monastics of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America.

In two volumes, hardbound, with full-color dust jackets.
New 2nd Edition 2008
Volume I: January to June, 650 pages (ISBN 0-9719505-0-4)
Volume II: July to December, 704 pages (ISBN 0-9719505-1-2)