A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Sava Vemić

Sava Vemić (born 1987), bass, comes from Belgrade, Serbia. He is a member of The Metropolitan Opera’s Lindemann Young Artist Development Program in the season 2014/2015.

He studied singing in the Music School Mokranjac with prof. Tanja Obrenović and later at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade with prof. Nikola Mijailović. In Mozart’s Magic flute he made his debut as Sarastro at the opera stage of Madlenianum Opera & Theatre in Belgrade. He received scholarships from the International Vocal Arts Institute (IVAI) in 2013 when he sang Bartolo in an IVAI production of Le nozze di Figaro and in July 2014 when he sang Osmin in their production of Die Entführung aus dem Serial in Tel Aviv, Israel. In June 2014 he made his Carnegie Hall debut as Sir Walter Raleigh in Donizetti’s opera Roberto Devereux with The Opera Orchestra of New York led by Mo. Queler. In 2012 he performed at the Esterhazy festival in Haydnsaal, Austria.


During his education he was awarded with several prizes: 1st Prize Award at the Gerda Lissner International Vocal Competition, New York, 2014; Danica Mastilović’s Award for the best student of solo-singing department at the University of Arts in Belgrade, 2014; Publikumspreis der Stadt Beeskow in the frame of the international Opera Course Oper Oder-Spree, Germany, 2011; 1st Prize at the sixth Solo Singers Competition Lazar Jovanović, Serbia, 2008.

Beside music he holds a Master degree in Pharmacy from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade.



People Directory

Nickola V. Todorovich

March 20, 1930 – September 29, 2021

He was a faithful, family man, who was proud of his Serbian roots, but also believed in and achieved the American Dream. Nickola was born on March 20, 1930 in Drazevac, Serbia, Yugoslavia. As a preteen he moved to Belgrade where he completed his education and graduated from the Geodetic College and then worked for the Yugoslavian, Republic Geodetic authority, in Serbia, for four years. In 1956 he accepted a job in Austria and worked for the Austrian Department of Geodetic Authority, for 6 months while he continued his quest to find his father who was missing in action since WWII. From Vienna, Nickola immigrated to the United States with the help and support of the Serbian National Defense Council.

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The Only Begotten and Firstborn among Many Brethren

by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich

In Emmanuel, the second anthology of Bishop Athanasius' articles to appear in English, His Grace explores themes of Orthodox Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Gnoseology. How can we know Who God is? How can we know who we are, as human persons created in His image and likeness? How can we become one with Him? Bishop Athanasius examines these and other foundational questions in depth in this volume, drawing from a wealth of Scriptural and patristic sources. In discussing diverse theological subjects, he always returns to his overarching theme: the communion that man can have with God through Jesus Christ the God-man, within Christ's Church and above all in the Holy Eucharist. His exquisite and unique way of engaging the reader in mutual dialogue, with the living Eucharistic experience permeating his every thought, instills in the reader a burning desire for that communion.

Contemporary Christian Thought Series, No. 3 - First Edition
229 pages
ISBN 978-0-9719505-4-2