A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Janko Nikolich-Zugich

Janko Nikolich-Zugich received his MD from Belgrade University Medical School in 1984, subsequently receiving an MSc and a PhD in Immunology from the same University. Dr. Nikolich-Zugich worked from 1987 to 1990 as a Research Associate at the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in the laboratory of Dr. Michael J. Bevan, FRS, NAS, HHMI. In 1990, he joined the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York as the Head of both the Flow Cytometry Core Facility and the Laboratory of T Cell Development. He served as an Assistant Professor (1990-1996) and an Associate Professor (1996-2001) at both the Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences and the Division of Molecular Medicine in Cornell University School of Medicine.

He was recipient of the Pew Biomedical Scholar Award and the Louise and Allston Boyer Young Scientist Award. Dr. Nikolich-Zugich moved to the Oregon Health & Science University in 2001, assuming position of Senior Scientist at the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute and joint appointments as a Professor (tenured) in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and a Senior Scientist at the Oregon National Primate Research Center. He was member of the NIH Cellular and Molecular Immunology-B Study Section from 2003-2008, is member of multiple NIA and NIAID review panels, and is on the organizing or scientific committees for several international conferences and meetings. He was President of the American Aging Association in 2009-10. In 2008, Dr. Nikolich-Zugich moved to the University of Arizona to lead the Department of Immunobiology and the Arizona Center on Aging. He can be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Primary Affiliation:

  • Professor and Chair, Dept. of Immunobiology
  • Co-Director, Arizona Center on Aging
  • University of Arizona College of Medicine

Other Affiliations
Elizabeth Bowman Professor in Medical Research Member, BIO5 Institute Member and Board Member, Arizona Cancer Center Professor, Departments of Medicine, College of Medicine, and Nutrition, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Member, McKnight Brain Center Affiliate Scientist, Oregon National Primate Research Center, Beaverton, OR


From The University of Arizona, Department of Immunobiology



People Directory

Andrej Grubačić

Andrej Grubačić is a visionary intellectual, professor, activist and fellow traveler of Zapatista-inspired direct action movements. Currently, Grubačić serves as professor and Chair of the Anthropology and Social Change Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He started his academic career as a historian of 16th century world at the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, for reasons that were both political and intellectual, he left the country, and reinvented himself as a radical historian and sociologist.

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The Meaning of Reality

Essays on Existence and Communion, Eros and History

by Christos Yannaras

The collection of articles traces the thought of Christos Yanaras through his long journey in discovering the meaning of existence, communion, eros, and history. It is a cause of immense joy that no fewer than twenty articles of passionate significance and substance have at present been gathered together in this volume under the title The Meaning of Reality.

Yannaras is undoubtedly one of the most significant thinkers of our time. Kallistos Ware once described him as "the most creative and prophetic religious thinker at work in Greece today," while Rowan Williams characterizes him as "one of the most significant Christian philosophers in Europe." His very wide and no less deep education helps him to develop an inimitable blend of philosophy, theology, and social criticism, and to speak in an original way about the traditional and contemporary issues of human existence, as well as the latest challenges of modern empirical science and political engagement. A detailed knowledge of the writings of the Holy Fathers has always been his foundation amidst the labyrinth of modern thought - which is inimately bound up with psychoanalysis, environmental issues, human rights, postmodernism, and pluralism , to mention just a few. Insistence on the primacy, uniqueness, and eternal value of human personality prevails in almost all his works and inspires his own vigorous theological and ecumenical engagement, based on the Orthodox eucharistic and ascetic tradition.