A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Патријарх Иринеј у Западноамеричкој епархији

Од 4. до 9. септембра 2015. године Патријарх Иринеј је посетио Калифорнију и предвoдио прославу поводом канонизације Светог Севастијана Санфранциског и Џексонског у Катедрали Светог Стефана у Лос Анђелесу. Народ, свештеници и Владике, који су дошли из свих православних јурисдикција, нису могли сакрити велику радост поводом овог јединственог догађаја у њиховом животу. Патријарх је служио Литургију, причешћивао народ и беседио о чудесном животу новопросијавшег Светог Севастијана и рекао ”ходио је стопама Светога Саве”. После Лос Анђелеса, Патријарх је са својом великом пратњом посетио винарију ”Ополо”, као и залив Сан Франциска. На крају пута, у Њујорку, Патријарх је примио почасни докторат на Академији Св. Владимира.



People Directory

Milan Mrksich

Milan Mrksich (born August 15, 1968) is an American chemist. He is the Henry Wade Rogers Professor of biomedical engineering at Northwestern University and has additional appointments in chemistry and cell and molecular biology. He also serves as both the founding director of the Center for Synthetic Biology and as an associate director of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern. Mrksich is currently the acting Vice President for Research of Northwestern University.

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Western American Diocese - Annual 2013

2013 marked several momentous occasions: 50 years of the founding of the Western American Diocese, 150 years of the birth of Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich, Holy Apostle to the Americas, 1700 years of the Edict of Milan, and a special tribute to Nikola Tesla! Our main focus during this three-day Jubilee Celebration was on the freedom to pursue our faith since the time of Constantine 1700 years ago and how to better live a spiritual life.

As a special tribute, a beautiful commemorative edition of the Annual was prepared, which reflects the History of the Western American Diocese! It is adorned with beautiful photographs and historical articles from our parishes and monateries! It also showcases the wonderful work that has been done over the past year throughout our Diocese and information about our many ongoing ministries. This publicaton also includes a Directory of Parishes.

There are two version of this publication available. Our Hardcover version sells for $15. Our Softcover version sells for $10 and includes Ads & Greetings from families and businesses throughout our Diocese.