A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Сећање са Пацифика на Владику Атанасија

Епископ Максим у кратком видео запису 28. марта 2021. године говори о недавно преминулом Атанасију (Јевтићу), Епископу херцеговачком, и износи оне његове карактеристике по којима ће га се многи сећати: човек народа, монах, подвижник, теолог, архипастир, професор, проповедник, родољуб, просветитељ народни састрадалник, хроничар и - дете лавовског срца.



People Directory

Stefan Milenkovich

Awarded as Serbia's "Brand Personality of the Year" for 2010, Stefan Milenkovich is a unique artist with an extraordinary productive longevity, professionalism and creativity. His musical philosophy as well as lifestyle are a true definition of eclectic, exploring general human and musical heritage and experience in order to connect directly with the audiences and provide fun, engaging and energetic performances.

Mr. Milenkovich's 2010-11 season includes performances with Belgrade Philharmonic under the baton of Sir Neville Marriner, Radio Television Orchestra of Slovenia under conductor En Shao, Adana and Izmir Symphony Orchestras with Ibrahim Yazici. This season also features collaboration with lutist Edin Karamazov that includes extensive tour of the Balkans, as well as CD recording and appearance at the Guitar Art Festival in Belgrade. As a musician of broad stylistic interests, most recent project is intense collaboration with guitarist Vlatko Stefanovski and his trio, with Mr. Milenkovich exploring the realm of improvisation and acustic-electric violin. Other performances this season will include the world premiere of Rudolf Haken's Violin Concerto written for Mr. Milenkovich at the NOMUS Music Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia.

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Notes On Ecumenism

Written in 1972 by St. Abba Justin Popovich, edited by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich, translated from Serbian by Aleksandra Stojanovich, and proofread by Fr Miroljub Ruzich

Abba Justin’s manuscript legacy (on which Bishop Athanasius have been working for a couple of years preparing an edition of The Complete Works ), also includes a parcel of sheets/small sheets of paper (in the 1/4 A4 size) with the notes on Ecumenism (written in pencil and dating from the period when he was working on his book “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism”; there are also references to the writings of St. Bishop Nikolai [Velimirovich], short excerpts copied from his Sermons, some of which were quoted in the book).

The editor presents the Notes authentically, as he has found them in the manuscripts (his words inserted in the text, as clarification, are put between the slashes /…/; all the footnotes are ours).—In the appendix are present the facsimiles of the majority of Abba’s Notes which were supposed to be included in his book On Ecumenism (written in haste then, but now significantly supplemented with these Notes. The Notes make evident the full extent of Justin’s profundity as a theologian and ecclesiologist of the authentic Orthodoxy).—The real Justin is present in these Notes: by his original language, style, literature, polemics, philosophy, theology, and above all by his confession of the God-man Christ and His Church. He confesses his faith, tradition, experience and his perspective on man, on the world and on Europe—invariably in the Church and from the Church, in the God-man Christ and from Him, just as he did in all of his writings and in his entire life and theologizing.