A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Available Back Issues 2000

SERB WORLD U.S.A. November/December 2000 vol. XVII, no. 2

  • "The Railway Special" by William Jovanovich
  • "The Lost History of Gavrilo Princip" by David DeVoss
  • "At Work in South Chicago" by Luka M. Pejovic from "Srbi u South Chicago" written in 1939
  • "Desanka Maksimovic, renowned and beloved Serbian poetess" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Recollections of the Uprising" a poem by Desanka Maksimovic, translated by Dorian Cooke
  • "The Beggar" a poem by Desanka Maksimovic, translated by A. Lencaric and J. Lavrin
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Banjaluka Torta"
  • "Memories of Minnesota: Serbian Christmas, St. George, and Others" by Sophie Luzaich
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Pete Radakovich" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "The Number Two Christmas" by Milla Zenovich Logan
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "What to do with the Balkans: Fierce Wars and Fragile Peace 1875-1878" by Philip D. Hart
  • "Families of the Borderland: Between Austrians and Ottomans, 1875" by Serb World U.S.A.staff

SERB WORLD U.S.A. September/October 2000 vol. XVII, no. 1

  • "Daniel, My Brother" by Joe Payne
  • "The Magic Basil" a Serbian folk tale from Vuk Karadzic, adapted by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Celebrity: Eastern Europeans" by William Jovanovich
  • Chirstmas Gift Ideas, 2000
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Cream Cheese Lika-Style"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Danilo Kozarski" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "'Cultured' Treats of the Balkans" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Medical Research and Yogurt" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Arizona Cattle Baron: Pioneer and Lawman, T.D. Casanega" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "The Arlow Brothers of Cleveland...a daughter's tribute" from Tanya Arlow-Dushaw

SERB WORLD U.S.A. July/August 2000 vol. XVI, no. 6

  • "True West, Last West" by William Jovanovich
  • "Buhach: An Old Country Chrysanthemum" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "A Grand Tour: An American Woman in the Balkans, 1908" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Serbs of Saint Spiridon: Trieste 1751-1951" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "An Enlightened View of Nationalism" by Professor Ales Hrdlicka
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Old Fashioned Plum Strudel"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: The Maravich Sisters of Gary" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Surviving the Great Depression" by Milan Zec
  • "A Life in Three Centuries: Ljubica Mrvichin Sarenac Bajovich" by Dorothy Pokrajac Pjevich
  • "Letter from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "What to do with the Balkans: Gladstone vs. Disraeli (1870's)" by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. May/June 2000 vol. XVI, no. 5

  • "The Protective Veil: a vision from old Constantinople" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Captains and Merchants of the Sea: a Pastrovictradition" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "William Wirt and Gary's Public Schools" by Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Adriatic Salad"
  • "Letters from Kosovo" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Along the Adriatic: ancient towns and trade" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: SvirajOrchestra" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Serbs of South Bend: Great Depression, World War II, Post-War Era" by Steve Mandich
  • "Serbs at Studebaker" by Steve Mandich
  • "South Bend's Serbs Go to College" by Steve Mandich
  • "The Tale of Two Calendars: the Julian and the Gregorian" by Philip D. Hart

SERB WORLD U.S.A. March/April 2000 vol. XVI, no. 4

  • "Serbs of South Bend, Indiana: Part I...Wagons, Wheels, Automobiles" by Steve Mandich
  • "The Guslarin History" by Serb World U.S.A. staff
  • "Honors at Arlington: Eli Popovich Remembered" by Philip D. Hart
  • "The Celebration of Spring: The New Year of the Ancient Serbs" by Serb World U.S.A.staff
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Serbian Easter Bread"
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: The Violin Joins the Tamburitza"a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Steve Legino of Omaha: 'The man who could make the earth tremble.'" by his son Eli Legino
  • "The Young Nobleman and His Animal Friends" a Serbian folk tale adapted from a collection by Elodie Mijatovich
  • "Frescoes: Medieval Treasures" by George Kosich and Michael D. Nicklanovich
  • "Migrations: The Ottoman Conquest and After" based on the work of Dr. Jovan Cvijic (1920), translated by Serb World U.S.A.

SERB WORLD U.S.A. January/February 2000 vol. XVI, no. 3

  • "Home Again in the Valley of Giants: Cetinje" by George J. Vuckovich
  • "Bato and Basketball—A Star from the North Chicago Neighborhood" by Dr. Dan Pyevich
  • "The Serbs of the Old North Chicago Neighborhood" by Dr. Dan Pyevich
  • "Of Interest" a regular feature of 2 to 5 pages of short items about events, facts, awards...
  • Recipe: "Old-Fashioned Serbian Stew" by Rose Benes
  • "A Glimpse of Our Past: 'Serbianism in America'" from Brankovo koloin 1903, translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "Milan Opacich Presents: Into the New Century with the Popovich Brothers" a regular music feature by Milan Opacich
  • "Back to Those Hills: A Daughter's Memories, Part 2" by Mary Rusnov Abramovich
  • "Jovan Jovanovic 'Zmaj'—Beloved Poet of His People" by Mary Nicklanovich Hart
  • "Grandpa and Grandson...'Uz'o deda svog unuka'" a poem by Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj, translated by Serb World U.S.A.
  • "The Slavonic Peoples: 'Who are the Slavs? What should we know about them?' " by Robert J. Kerner, 1932.
  • "The Indo-European Family of Languages, a chart tracing the development of most European languages, including Serbo-Croatian"



People Directory

Téa Obreht

Téa Obreht was born in 1985 in the former Yugoslavia (Belgrade, Serbia), and spent her childhood in Cyprus and Egypt before eventually immigrating to the United States in 1997. Her writing has been published in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Harper’s, Zoetrope: All-Story, The New York Times, and The Guardian, and has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Non-Required Reading. Her first novel, The Tiger’s Wife, has been published by Random House on March 8 2011. She has been named by The New Yorker as one of the twenty best American fiction writers under forty and included in the National Book Foundation’s list of 5 Under 35. Téa Obreht lives in Ithaca, New York.

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Man and the God-Man

by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

"Father Justin Popovich, pan-orthodox witness to the God-revealed and Christ-given Eternal Truth, whose testimony can be even seen within this collection of his articles - that "the mystery of Truth is not in material things, not in ideas, not in symbols, but in Personhood, namely the Theanthropic Person of the Lord Christ, Who said: I am the Truth (John 14:6), Truth perfect, never diminished, always one and the same in its complete fullness - yesterday, today, and forever (Heb.13:8)."

The treasure to be found in this anthology of neopatristic syntheses consists of: "Perfect God and perfect man" - Nativity Epistle, where Fr Justin boldly exclaim that "man is only a true man when he is completely united with God, only and solely in God is man a man, true man, perfect man, a man in whom all the fullness of Godhead lives."; "The God-man" - The foundation of the Truth of Orthodoxy - Ava Justinian language of love in Christ-centered reflections of Truth; "The Supreme Value and Infallible Criterion"- contemporary philosophical reflections on visible and invisible realities; "Sentenced to Immortality" - a homily on the Resurrection or Our Lord Jesus Christ; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Culture"-criticism of European anti-Christian culture; "Humanistic and Theanthropic Education" - indicative pondering of consequences of education without God.. ; "The Theory of Knowledge of Saint Isaac the Syrian" - Faith, prayer, love, humility, grace and freedom, the purification of the intellect, mystery of knowledge; "A Deer in a Lost Paradise" - Ava's renowned poetic essay, a confession, and deepest longing for all-sweetest Jesus...


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