A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Now Is the Time

Now is the Time is a 10-minute documentary dedicated to Mirko Vukelic as he presents his views on transferring the remains of the late King Peter and Prince Andrej of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to Oplenac, Serbia for burial. In the Oplenac Church, lie six generations of the Karadjordjevic Dynasty.

Now is the Time (Сада је време) - десетоминутни документарни филм посвећен Мирку Вукелићу и његовом виђењу иницијативе да се изврши пренос земних остатака покојног краља Краљевине Југославије Петра Другог Карађорђевића и краљевића Андреја Карађорђевића у Србију како би били сахрањени у цркви на Опленцу у којој почива шест генерација династије Карађорђевић.

Now is the Time (Sada je vreme) - desetominutni dokumentarni film posvećen Mirku Vukelicu i njegovom vidjenju inicijative da se izvrsi prenos zemnih ostataka pokojnog kralja Kraljevine Jugoslavije Petra Drugog Karadjordjevića i kraljevića Andreja Karadjordjevića u Srbiju kako bi bili sahranjeni u crkvi na Oplencu u kojoj počiva šest generacija dinastije Karadjordjević.

"Bravo to documentary filmmaker Mirko Popadic and MIR Productions and his father-in-law Mirko Vukelic for producing this beautiful tribute to Serbian royalty buried on American soil. I have to admit that I would like the gravesites of King Peter II (St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, IL) and Prince Andrej Karageorgevich (New Gracanica Monastery, Third Lake, IL) to remain here in the Chicago area, however I completely understand the desire of Serbian Orthodox patriots to have them returned to their homeland. This labor of love - "Now Is the Time (Sada je vreme)", began years ago and I'm so pleased that Mirko Vukelic, a WWII veteran and Serb patriot loyal to General Draza Mihailovich, has lived to see its completion.
Congratulations on a job beautifully done! This is not only a lovely tribute but an important archival contribution of compelling Serbian history that remains unfinished to this day."

Aleksandra Rebic



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Vaso Ćuković

Najveći bokeljski dobrotvor svih vremena

Vaso Ćuković je rođen u Risnu, 09. jula 1858. g. od oca Lazara i majke Stane, u uglednoj trgovačkoj porodici, sa osmoro djece. Volio je školu, kao mlad pomagao ocu u trgovinu, i izučio zanat u Risnu, ali, nemirrnog duha, već sa 12 godina je otputovao kod tetka u Trst, koji je takođe bio trgovac U Trstu je završio višu trgovačku školu i odlično savladao grčki i italijanski jezik. Sa 16 godina se zaposlio u, tada poznatoj, grčkoj firmi "Hydias" kao činovnik. 1877. godine je, na nagovor jednog pomorskog kapetana iz Risna, kojeg je sreo u Trstu, otplovio za daleku Ameriku. Prvo u Njujork, pa San Francisko gdje je imao namjeru da se bavi trgovinom. U početku je to išlo veoma teško. Radeći svakojake poslove, učeći jezik , put ga je odveo u Nevadu, grad Reno, gdje mu je živio rođak, koji ga je pomogao sa 100 USD, što mu je bilo dovoljno, da započne samostalo, malu trgovinu. Ni tu nije uspio. U gradu Virginia Sity je radio kao prevodilac. U Virginiji, Neveda, je pokušao da radi sa rudnicima, bezuspješno, a radio je poslove čistača u jednoj bilijarnici, gdje se i upoznao sa kockarskim igrama.  Lutalačka težnja ga odvodi na kratko na Aljasku, a konačno, 1895. g. stiže je u Denver, Colorado. Tu kupuje zemlju, nastavlja trgovinu, otvara tada poznate kockarnice i za kratko vrijeme stiče veći kapital. Zahvaljujući svojim sposobnostima i inteligenciji Vaso Ćuković postaje u to vrijeme jedan od najuglednijih i najuticajnijih ličnosti grada Denvera.  Žrtvujući svoja materijalna sredstva učestvuje u izgradnji i uljepšavanju grada, pomaže razne humane akcije i učestvuje u javnom i političkom životu.

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Theological Disambiguations

An Unconventional Handbook of Orthodox Theology

by Rev. Vladan Perisic

by Fr John Behr

It is a great pleasure to see this work published, making available some of the most important writings of Fr Vladan Perisic over the last couple of decades available, together in one volume, to an English speaking audience. Fr Vladan’s work is well known in Serbia, and in broader academic and ecumenical circles. But it can now receive the much wider readership that it deserves, and, as a collected volume, its scope, coherence, and significance is sure to receive the recognition it deserves.

The eighteen essays collected here treat diverse topics, from academic theology (and its place in the Church) to questions of life and death, from historically oriented studies, on Sts Ignatius and Gregory Palamas, to contemporary issues, such as human rights and ecology. Each of them is characterized by meticulous scholarship and great insight, clarity of thought and expression.

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