A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Lolita Davidovich

Lolita Davidovich (Serbian: Лолита Давидовић; born July 15, 1961) is a Canadian film and television actress.

Davidovich was born in London, Ontario, the daughter of immigrants from Yugoslavia. Her father was from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, and her mother was from Slovenia; she spoke only Serbian during her early years. She studied at the Herbert Berghof Studio in New York.


She first received notice co-starring in Blaze (1989) with Paul Newman, for which she beat out 600 other actresses for the title role of the burlesque performer Blaze Starr.

She later appeared in several episodes on the first season of the Showtime lesbian-themed television series, The L Word playing the character Francesca Wolff, and also appeared on an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 2005.

Davidovich is married to writer/director Ron Shelton, a former minor league baseball player in Baltimore's system. They have two children: their daughter, Valentina, was born in 1999. They have residences in Los Angeles and Ojai, California.


  • Recruits (1986) — Susan
  • Adventures in Babysitting (1987) — Sue Ann
  • Blaze (1989) — Blaze Starr
  • The Object of Beauty (1991) — Joan
  • JFK (1991) — Beverly Oliver
  • The Inner Circle (1991) — Anastasia
  • Raising Cain (1992) — Jenny
  • Leap of Faith (1992) — Marva
  • Boiling Point (1993) — Vikki
  • Younger and Younger (1993) — Penny
  • Cobb (1994) - Ramona
  • Intersection (1994) — Olivia Marshak
  • Salt Water Moose (1996) - Eva Scofield
  • Harvest of Fire (1996) - Sally Russell
  • Santa Fe (1997) — Eleanor Braddock
  • Jungle 2 Jungle (1997) — Charlotte
  • Gods and Monsters (1998) — Betty
  • Mystery, Alaska (1999) - Mary Jane Pitcher
  • Play It to the Bone (1999) — Grace Pasic
  • Dark Blue (2002) - Sally Perry
  • Hollywood Homicide (2003) - Cleo Ricard
  • Kill Your Darlings (2006) — Lola
  • September Dawn (2007) — Nancy Dunlop
  • ZOS: Zone of Separation (2009 miniseries) — Mila Michailov
  • Cinema Verite (2011) — Val
  • Good God (2012) - Virginia Hailwood

Davidovich voices "Jester" in the video game adventure Chronomaster, which also includes the voices of actors Ron Perlman and Brent Spiner.

From Wikipedia

Lolita Davidovich at the Internet Movie Database

Lolita Davidović: Sanjam da glumim Srpkinju

Na zvezdanom nebu Amerike danas podjednakim sjajem sijaju glumačke zvezde Mile Jovović, Nataše Pavlović, Branke Katić, Radeta Šerbedžije i Lolite Davidović. Zajedničko im je da se ne stide da kažu da su srpskog porekla. Lolita Davidović za sobom ima pedeset snimljenih filmova i desetine TV serija. Ćerka je beogradskog knjižara, rođena 15. jula 1961. godine u Ontariju, u Kanadi. Njen otac Branko Davidović Beograđanin, poreklom iz Beške kod Inđije, a majka joj je Ljubljančanka. Lolita je odrasla u srpskoj tradiciji. Iz Kanade je otišla u Čikago, a potom u Holivud. Svoj prvi film “Razred” Lolita je snimila 1983. godine. Danas živi u Los Anđelesu sa suprugom, rediteljom Ronom Šeltonom, ćerkicom Valentinom i sinom Džonom. "Ron je počasni član srpske zajednice u Kaliforniji i vrlo rado pije šljivovicu. Često se družimo sa Srbima, pogotovo kada se nešto dešava u organizaciji naše pravoslavne crkve. Od oca sam nasledila veliko poštovanje za našu veru i tradiciju. Srpski ne govorim najbolje, i zbog toga me je sramota, jer moj muž, koji zna nešto malo srpski, i to malo govori bolje od mene", u šali kaže holivudska diva. Ona je nedavno u porti crkve Svetog Save u San Gabrijelu, kod Los Anđelesa, došla sa decom na proslavu 100 godina od osnivanja hrama i parohije. Među 400 zvanica isticala se svojom crvenoriđom kosom i dražesnim osmehom. U vreme ručka sa decom se veselila uz zvuke orkestra “Bistrik” i pesama Biljane Krstić. Na molbu za razgovor rekla je: "Čim bude pauza doći ću za vaš sto da popričamo!" I održala je obećanje. Dok su se deca igrala u porti, Lolita Davidović je rekla za "Novosti": "Volim da sam sa našim ljudima iz crkve, jer pozitivno utiču na moju porodicu, posebno na decu. Ne snimam u poslednje vreme, posvećena sam odgajanju dece!" Nije stigla da završi rečenicu jer su joj prilazili kalifornijski Srbi sa molbom da se fotografišu. Sa svima se srdačno zagrlila i strpljivo pozirala. Lolita je megazvezda američkog filma. Njena cena po filmskom ugovoru dostiže i 10 miliona dolara. Igrala je u proslavljenom “Predmetu lepote”, pa sa Kevinom Kostnerom u filmu “JFK”, kao i sa Polom Njumenom u “Blejzu”. "Ova crvenokosa devojka mora da postane zvezda", rekao je Pol Njumen na snimanju tog filma, koji je proslavio Lolitu. Na filmskom festivalu u Tokiju 1993. godine proglašena je za najbolju glumicu za rolu u romantičnom filmu “Mlađi i mlađi”. Igrala je sa Ričardom Girom i Šeron Stoun, ali i sa Antonijom Banderasom. Prošle godine je sa Džonom Vojtom odigrala svoj 51. film – ljubavnu priču “Septembarsko svitanje”. A potom je glumila u seriji “Zona odvajanja”… Potajno mašta, kaže, da snima za Emira Kusturicu. "Viđam se sa kolegama iz Srbije na festivalima. Volela bih da vidim Beograd i da nađem sebi na filmu ulogu neke hrabre Srpkinje. Međutim, sve zavisi od toga koliko ću da budem posvećena deci", rekla je Lolita. Paroh Blaško Paraklis iz srpske crkve u Los Anđelesu, angažovao je Lolitu Davidović da bude spiker na srpskom radio času, koji se emitovao u Kaliforniji. Zbog toga je devedesetih imala i problema u Holivudu sa producentima i novinarima. Ministarstvo za dijasporu Srbije odlikovalo je 2005. godine Lolitu Davidović ordenom Nemanjića zbog njenih patriotskih aktivnosti u Holivudu.

Izvor: “Večernje novosti”, 2010.



People Directory

George Vid Tomashevich

Prof. George Vid Tomashevich, Ph.D. Mar. 3, 1927 - Dec. 3, 2009. Dr. Tomashevich was of Serbian origin, born in the city of Bocin in what was then Yugoslavia. He came to the United States after World World II. He received his bachelor's degree in sociology from Roosevelt University and his master's and doctoral degrees in anthropology from the University of Chicago. He came to Buffalo in 1968 to teach anthropology at Buffalo State College and retired in 1995. A scholar of universal erudition, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at State University of New York, College at Buffalo.

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Western American Diocese - Annual 2013

2013 marked several momentous occasions: 50 years of the founding of the Western American Diocese, 150 years of the birth of Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich, Holy Apostle to the Americas, 1700 years of the Edict of Milan, and a special tribute to Nikola Tesla! Our main focus during this three-day Jubilee Celebration was on the freedom to pursue our faith since the time of Constantine 1700 years ago and how to better live a spiritual life.

As a special tribute, a beautiful commemorative edition of the Annual was prepared, which reflects the History of the Western American Diocese! It is adorned with beautiful photographs and historical articles from our parishes and monateries! It also showcases the wonderful work that has been done over the past year throughout our Diocese and information about our many ongoing ministries. This publicaton also includes a Directory of Parishes.

There are two version of this publication available. Our Hardcover version sells for $15. Our Softcover version sells for $10 and includes Ads & Greetings from families and businesses throughout our Diocese.