A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Teresa A.H. Djuric

Brig. Gen. Teresa A.H. Djuric is Deputy Director, Space and Intelligence Office, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. General Djuric leads the Under Secretary's strategic planning and programming for defense space programs valued at $12 billion. She provides guidance and oversight of the architecture studies leading to the development and procurement of future defense space programs. She provides principal support to the Under Secretary's role as the focal point for space matters and in coordinating activities across the whole of government space enterprise.

General Djuric was commissioned in 1983 through Officer Training School. She has operated space systems at three space wings and Headquarters 14th Air Force. In 2004, she deployed to Southwest Asia as Director of Space Forces for operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. She has commanded at the squadron, group, wing and education center levels, and has served on staffs at the Air Force Personnel Center, U.S. Pacific Command, Headquarters U.S. Air Force and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Prior to her current assignment, she was Commander, Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.

1983 Bachelor of Science degree in computer science, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Va.
1983 Distinguished graduate, Officer Training School, Lackland AFB, Texas.
1987 Squadron Officer School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1994 Master of Arts degree in curriculum and instruction, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
1996 Distinguished graduate, Air Command and Staff College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
1999 Air War College, by correspondence.
2001 Master of Strategic Studies degree, Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
2006 Joint and Combined Warfighting School, National Defense University, Norfolk, Va.
2006 Air Force Senior Leadership Course, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, N.C.
2007 Enterprise Leadership Seminar, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N.C.
2009 Capstone General Officer Course, National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, DC
2009 Program for Senior Executives in National and International Security, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
2010 Enterprise Leadership Seminar, Darden Business School, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
2011 Systems Acquisition Management Course, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, Va.

1. October 1983 - August 1987, satellite operations officer and CINC briefer, North American Aerospace Defense Command, Cheyenne Mountain Air Station, Colo.
2. August 1987 - November 1988, crew commander, 5th Space Warning Squadron, Woomera, Australia
3. November 1988 - January 1992, flight commander and curriculum director, Squadron Officer School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
4. January 1992 - May 1994, section commander, 21st Crew Training Squadron, Peterson AFB, Colo.
5. May 1994 - August 1995, flight commander, 21st Operations Support Squadron, Peterson AFB, Colo.
6. July 1995 - June 1996, student, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
7. June 1996 - March 1998, division chief and executive officer, Assignments Directorate, Air Force Personnel Command, Randolph AFB, Texas
8. March 1998 - June 2000, Commander, 614th Space Operations Squadron, Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
9. June 2000 - June 2001, student, Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
10. July 2001 - June 2003, U.S. Strategic Command representative to U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii
11. June 2003 - May 2005, Commander, 21st Operations Group, Peterson AFB, Colo. (April 2004 - August 2004, Director of Space Forces, U.S. Central Command Air Forces, Southwest Asia)
12. May 2005 - September 2006, division chief, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S Air Force, Washington, D.C.
13. September 2006 - May 2007, Vice Commander, 30th Space Wing, Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
14. May 2007 - June 2008, Commander, 50th Space Wing, Schriever AFB, Colo.
15. June 2008 - October 2010, Commander, Jeanne M. Holm Center for Officer Accessions and Citizen Development, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
16. October 2010 - present, Deputy Director, Space and Intelligence Office, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

1. October 1983 - August 1987, satellite operations officer and CINC briefer, North American Aerospace Defense Command, Cheyenne Mountain Air Station, Colo., as a lieutentant
2. July 2001 - June 2003, U.S. Strategic Command representative to U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii, as a colonel
3. October 2010 - present, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., as a brigadier general

Command Space Badge

Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster
Meritorious Service Medal with four oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal

2005 Gen. Jerome O'Malley Distinguished Space Leadership Award

Second Lieutenant Sept. 30, 1983
First Lieutenant Sept. 30, 1985
Captain Sept. 30, 1987
Major Oct. 1, 1995
Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 1, 1998
Colonel Aug. 1, 2002
Brigadier General Dec. 9, 2008

(Current as of March 2013)

Source: Official United States Air Force Website



People Directory

Nenad Vukićević

Born: Jagodina, Serbia. Education: Graduated from University of Belgrade, Electrical Engineering. Emigrated to USA in 1984. Provides consulting and software development services in the area of embedded systems, systems software, and communications. President of the Serbian Unity Congress 2002-2005, former President of the local Serbian church Board in Saratoga for many years and provides web and Internet support for SUC. President, founder and creator of the Serbian Blago Fund. Married with three children, and resides in Los Altos, California.



Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија

Serbian Edition, author Bishop Athanasius Yevtich (издање на српском језику, аутор епископ Атанасије Јевтић)

Период двадесетог века представљао је врло комплексно раздобље везано за развој литургијско-богословске мисли у нашој помесној Цркви. Осећајући насушну еклисијалну и пастирску потребу да поменуту мисао надгради и истовремено је учини приступачнијом народу Божијем, епископ Атанасије Јевтић се одлучио да понуди тротомно дело под насловом: Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија. Иако се објављивање трећег тома тек очекује, сматрамо да богословској и читалачкој пажњи треба представити два тома који су већ изашли.

Сложени назив овог епохалног издања, које може бити препознато као „српска литургијска стромата двадесет и првог века“, аутор је начинио на основу одељка из Прве Посланице Коринћанима светог апостола Павла: Јер се Пасха наша Христос жртвова за нас (1Кор 5, 7). Дело се састоји из два тома и намењено је, према речима епископа Атанасија, „богобојажљивим и христочежњивим љубитељима Божанских Тајни, усрдним учесницима Свете Литургије и причесницима Богочовечанских Светиња“. Наиме, у њему су сабрани текстови о Светој и Божанственој Евхаристији од најранијих времена Цркве Христове (првог века) све до савременог доба, а сâм циљ јесте „раскривање литургијских, еклисиолошких, космичких и есхатолошких димензија Светајне Христа и Његове Цркве“. Највећи део сабраних литургијско-светоотачких текстова се по први пут појављује на српском језику, благодарећи преводилачком и прегалачком труду епископа Атанасија. Уз то, веома су драгоцени његови оригинални коментари. Треба истаћи да су оба тома штампана са тврдим корицама у штампарији Интерклима Графика у Врњачкој Бањи.

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