A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Stephen Stepanchev

Dr. Stephen Stepanchev has inspired several generations of writers who have taken his creative writing classes from 1949 to 1985 at Queens College.

As Professor Emeritus of English, he now spends his time writing and reading poems in public places all across the City, and all the more so with his title as the first Poet Laureate of the borough of Queens, an appellation assigned for the period of 1997 through the year 2000.


Stepanchev is a consummate poetic craftsman. He arises every day at four a.m. to struggle with a few phrases and polish a few lines before his morning walk through Flushing. His poems, like his life, reflect the rich immigrant experience so familiar to our neighborhoods.

Stephen Stepanchev was born in Mokrin, Yugoslavia, in 1915. His mother brought him to Chicago when he was seven, where he quickly picked up English in his immigrant neighborhood. On a scholarship, he went to the University of Chicago, received his bachelor's and master's degrees and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army, working in the Adjutant General's Office in London, Paris and Frankfurt. He received a Bronze Star Medal at the end of the War.

He has published a major critique of American poetry - American Poetry Since 1945 - ten collections of poems, and appears regularly in such venues as The New Yorker and Poetry magazines. He recently appeared in The Bedford Introduction to Literature, a major College anthology.

Biographical sketch by Robert C. Weller
Photograph by Nancy Bareis

СТЕФАН (СВЕТОЗАР) СТЕПАНЧЕВ, песник из Мокрина (Банат). Магистрирао је на Универзитету у Чикагу и докторирао америчку књижевност на Универзитету у Њујорку. 1949. Почео је да предаје на Одељењу за енглески на Квинс Колеџу, где је остао све до пензионисања 1985. Објавио је девет књига поезије, писао за Американски Србобран. Песме су му објављивање у престижним часописима Poetri, Modern poetri stadis, Njujork Kvarteli а два броја часописа Sperou посвећена су његовим делима.

Раша Попов је 1977. превео његове песме на српски, објављене су у Вршцу у збирци Голубица на багрему.

Познат је и као аутор књиге Америчка поезија од 1945. године која се користи у средњим школама и на колеџима широм САД.



People Directory

Tihomir Novakov

Tihomir Novakov, Ph.D, known also as Tica Novakov (born March 16, 1929) is an American physicist. As a scientist, Novakov is known for his black carbon, air quality, and climate change research.

After graduating from the University of Belgrade with a PhD in Nuclear Physics, he taught at the University of Belgrade and worked at the Vinca Nuclear Institute. Novakov immigrated to the United States in 1963 and began working as a research scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He later founded an Aerosol Research Group, which traveled the world conducting ground breaking research on climate change. Dr. Novakov is a distinguished member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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Theological Disambiguations

An Unconventional Handbook of Orthodox Theology

by Rev. Vladan Perisic

by Fr John Behr

It is a great pleasure to see this work published, making available some of the most important writings of Fr Vladan Perisic over the last couple of decades available, together in one volume, to an English speaking audience. Fr Vladan’s work is well known in Serbia, and in broader academic and ecumenical circles. But it can now receive the much wider readership that it deserves, and, as a collected volume, its scope, coherence, and significance is sure to receive the recognition it deserves.

The eighteen essays collected here treat diverse topics, from academic theology (and its place in the Church) to questions of life and death, from historically oriented studies, on Sts Ignatius and Gregory Palamas, to contemporary issues, such as human rights and ecology. Each of them is characterized by meticulous scholarship and great insight, clarity of thought and expression.

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