A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Čačanski fotograf osvojio treću nagradu u Njujorku

Čačanski fotograf Damir Buzurović osvojio je bronzanu medalju na Međunarodnom salonu fotografije u "Njujork - Menhetn 2017"

Ova prestižna manifestacija održava se pod patronatom Svetske federacije umetnickih fotografa (FIAP) i Foto Saveza Amerike (PSA). U konkurenciji je bilo 11.000 fotografija iz 30 zemalja sveta, a u uži izbor je užlo sedam fotografija Damira Buzurovića.

Njegova fotografija “The story about family happiness” osvojila je treću nagradu salona.

Buzurović je član Foto Kino Kluba Čačak od septembra 2012. godine.

Na Međunarodnom Salonu New York – Manhattan 2017. pod patronatom FIAP (Svetske federacije umetnickih fotografa) i PSA (Foto Saveza Amerike) u konkurenciji od 11.000 fotografija i 700 fotografa iz 30 zemalja sveta, sedam fotografija Čačanina Damira Buzurovića ušlo je u uži izbor.

Fotografija “The story about family happiness” osvojila je bronzanu medalju salona. U aprilu 2015. godine Umetnički savet Foto Saveza Srbije dodelio mu je umetničko izlagačko zvanje Fotograf Prve Klase Foto Saveza Srbije (F1). U junu 2015. godine imao je svoju prvu samostalnu izložbu pod nazivom “Zvuci tišine“ sa 30 fotografija na temu minimalizam prirode.

Damir Buzurović (35) je master ekonomista i radi kao asistent na fakultetu.

Izvor: Blic



People Directory

Rastko Petrović

Rastko Petrović (Belgrade, 1898 – Washington, D.C., 1949), poet, novelist, travel writer, essayist, etnographer, giffted sketcher, camerman and photographer. He graduated law in France, and on his return to Yugoslavia he worked as an art and literary critic. After this he was employed in the diplomatic service and posted to Italy and the USA. He is considered to be one of the most important and most influential Serbian writers in the period between the two world wars.

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All Roads Lead to Jackson

Serbian American Contributions in Amador County, California, since the Gold Rush
Milina Jovanović offers a unique compilation of individual and family immigration stories that include enormous contributions to the development of California and significant community involvement. In this version of people’s history she chronicles how Serbian Americans have strengthened community, region, state, and country through the endeavors and struggles of 150 years. This book also focuses on women’s contributions that are too often overlooked. Ms. Jovanović’s study reveals that Jackson not only remains an original and symbolic home to Serbian Americans and Serbian Orthodox religion, but also an oasis where the Serbian community has preserved its positive reputation and social influence.

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