A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the USA

Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Washington DC: H.E. DJERDJ MATKOVIC

Diplomatic Staff:

  • Vladimir Jovicic - Minister Counselor, Deputy Chief of Mission
  • Zdravko Pavicevic- Minister Counselor, Political Affairs, OAS
  • Ljubomir Postic - First Counselor-Head of the Consular Section
  • Aleksandar Vidojevic - Counselor, Political Affairs
  • Sandra Pejic - First Secretary, Political Affairs
  • Ivana Mangov - Second Secretary, Political Affairs and Press
  • Zorka Kekovic - Second Secretary, Political Affairs, Congressional Relations officer

Defense Attache Office:

  • Colonel Dragan Galic - Defense, Military, Naval and Air Attaché
  • Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Vujaklija - Assistant Defense, Military, Naval and Air Attaché


Embassy of the Republic of Serbia
2134 Kalorama Rd., NW
Washington, DC 20008

Working Hours

Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM.
The Consular Section is open to public
Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 1PM.


Embassy (phone): (202) 332-0333
Embassy (fax): (202) 332-3933
Consular Section (phone): (202) 332-0333 ext: 103, 104
Consular Section (fax): (202) 332-5974




The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and is located near Dupont Circle in Washington, D.C. From Dupont Circle take Connecticut Ave. north. Kalorama Road will be the eighth street on your left. The Embassy is on the left hand side.




People Directory

Tom Jurich

By Sandi Radoja

[This article originally appeared in the American Srbobran, April 5, 2017]

LOUISVILLE, KY – On an unseasonably hot February day, Tom Jurich welcomed us to his third floor office on the campus of the University of Louisville. We were 2-1/2 hours early, but his door swung open wide despite our inability to jump time zones correctly.

Born and raised in Southern California, Tom Jurich of SNF Lodge #95-Lovcen-Los Angeles, was apologetic for the heat as if it was his fault. “We don’t turn the air conditioning on this early,” he said, an explanation we already heard from his receptionist who called her desktop fan her “new BFF.” We were immediately at ease, and the friendliness of the entire office far outweighed the heat.

It was Mercia Martich of Northridge, California, who sent us in the direction of the Tom Jurich story initially. She said he was a SNF member and someone to hoot about, adding, “He is not only successful, but a fine gentleman and a family man, too.”

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Commentary on the Epistles of St. John the Theologian

by Archimandrite Justin Popovich

This Commentary on the Epistles of St. John the Theologian - published now, three years after the blessed repose of Venerable Fr. Justin (on the Feast of the Annunciation, 1979) - was written by the tireless Messenger of Christ forty years ago, in circumstances similar to those in which Christ's Holy Evangelist John wrote his sacred Epistles.

The text of this 93-page soft-bound book has been translated from the Serbian by Radomir M. Plavsic. Published by Sebastian Press, Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Contemporary Christian Thought Series, number 5, First Edition, ISBN: 978-0-9719505-6-6