A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Nikola Tesla Boulevard

The Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC) has started an initiative to rename the upper portion of "Burlington Street", in Hamilton, Ontario, to "Nikola Tesla Boulevard". Tesla was a genius who changed the world, and influenced the industrialization of Hamilton a century ago, specifically around Burlington Street. On October 14th, 2015 The Hamilton City Council approved the proposal of the name change under the condition that NTEC raises up to $150,000 to cover the costs of signage.

Nikola Tesla has been our personal inspiration for as long as we can recall.

For many years, we were astonished at the lack of awareness by the general public about this genius who has give the world so much. In the past few years, however, people have discovered Nikola Tesla.

A small group of us started discussing the opportunities in our community, here in Hamilton. We approached Bob Bratina, former Mayor of Hamilton with our vision. The Mayor asked about Mr Tesla’s connection to Hamilton. He knew the answer and proceeded to educate us about it, as follows:

  • Hamilton was the first major city to receive AC electricity in Canada.
  • The “Five Johns” built the oldest power generating station, in operation today, in Canada,
  • All the power was shipped to Hamilton via the second longest power line in the world at the time,
  • Hamilton became to be known as the “Electric City”
  • The city prospered and grew partly because it had the “Cheapest Electrical Power”

Our organization was incorporated in April 2014. On May 15, 2014 our organization held its inaugural meeting where we adopted a set of bylaws, a mission statement and appointed our first board of directors and officers. As of April 17, 2015 the Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation is a Canadian Registered Charity in support of schools and education.

On October 6, 2015, NTEC’s president led a group of presenters which included Ves Sobot, Dr. Colin Campbell and Michael Wolfe in a presentation to the City of Hamilton Planning Committee. The Planning Committee was considering NTEC’s request to rename a portion of Burlington Street to Nikola Tesla Expressway. With a unanimous approval of the motion from Councilor Chad Collins, the matter was referred to City Council for final approval.

On October 14, 2015, the recommendation came before City of Hamilton Council, with only a minor motion to replace “expressway” in the name, Council unanimously approved the renaming to Nikola Tesla Boulevard.

see: https://youtu.be/-oa3bzmXwIA

NTEC’s next step it to raise the funds, estimated at $150,000, to pay for the necessary signage changes. Target date is to change the name is of the change name is June 2016 in time for Nikola Tesla’s 160th birthday, on July 10, 2016.

NTEC is also raising funds for awards and scholarships, which are anticipated to be implemented in time for the 2016 school year end.

Those wising to donate can do it thought this site using PayPal or their own credit card. Other options for financial and/or other support are welcome, please contact us to make the arrangements.

Letter: English, Serbian

Poster: English, Serbian


  • Veroslav (Vic) Djurdjevic, BA, CPA, CMA – President
  • Mile Popovic – Vice-President
  • Dejan Vicentijevic – Membership Registrar
  • Milena Balta
  • Krunoslav Perkovic
  • George Trojanovic




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Bishop Hrizostom (Stolić)


After the death of Bishop Grigorije the Western Diocese was administered by Irinej, Bishop of Niš, from October 1985 until May 1986, and by Sava, Bishop of Šumadija, from July 1986 until May 1988.

The Holy Bishops’ Assembly at the regular session in May 1988 elected Archimandrite Hrizostom Stolić as a Bishop of the Western Diocese.

Bishop Hrizostom was born in 1939 in Ruma where he graduated from elementary school and middle school (High School). After High School he went to the Dečani Monastery where he took monastic vows. He was ordained to hierodeacon and hieromonk by Rt. Rev. Pavle, Bishop of Ras-Prizren. Soon afterwards he went to America to be at the service to his Church and people. He studied at the Seminary in the Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville. He then came to Chicago and helped the pastor at Holy Resurrection Church with his duties. He was appointed temporary pastor of St. George Church in East Chicago, Indiana in 1967. He remained there until 1969. For two years he established firm spiritual roots in the community. He felt a higher calling and responded to it. In 1969 he went to the Hilandar Monastery at Mount Athos in Greece, where he remained for nineteen years. There he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by the Patriarch of Constantinople, His Holiness Demitrius the First. At one time he was elected a Dean of Mount Athos. He was a librarian in the Hilandar Monastery. Along with the spiritual growth he advanced his intellectual dimensions. He published the Lives of the Holy Fathers in two volumes and the Liturgy of St. Apostle James, which he translated into the Serbian language.

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Prayer Book

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publication of a beautiful pocket-size, full-color, English-language Prayer Book, which has been compiled and designed by our newly enthroned His Grace, Bishop Maxim, and printed in Serbia. The book contains prayers commonly used by Orthodox Christians, lists of Scriptural Commandments, and brief articles on the precepts of Faith, proper conduct in church, and the meaning and practice of prayer. It is adorned with striking icons and illustrations by Fr. Stamatis Skliris, a parish priest in Athens who is renowned as an iconographer and as a writer and lecturer on Byzantine iconography. Full-color on coated stock throughout, 36 pages, 3¾" × 5½" format, paperback, saddle-stitched.