A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Nagrada za „Liniju života“

Uprkos pandemiji virusa, zasedao je žiri 53. Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Hjustonu – WorldFest, i filmu „Linija života“ Darka Bajića dodelio nagradu „Zlatnu Remi nagradu“ u konkurenciji dokumentarnog filma.

Nakon uspešne premijere filma ,,Linija života“ koja je, u prepunoj sali Kombak Dvorane otvorila prošlogodišnji Beldocs, dobitnik godišnje nagrade UFUS-a za najbolji dokumentarni film 2019. godine, biće prikazan na Drugom programu RTS-a u utorak 5. maja u 20 časpoa. Tog dana navršava se 75 godina od oslobođenja logora Mauthauzen.

„Linija života“ je film o čuvenom slikaru i profesoru Milošu Bajiću, ali film o životu u XX veku koji je podneblju Balkana doneo periode velikih razaranja i velikih obnova. O surovosti rata u kojem je ljudski život vredeo onoliko koliko je čovek bio sposoban da radi u monstruoznoj mašineriji koncentracionih logora. O 11 miliona onih koji nisu dočekali šansu da nakon tog rata žive, rade, stvaraju i stvore porodice. I o tome kako je glavni junak ovog filma svojom maštom i umetnošću pobedio smrt.

Đorđe Bajić

Izvor: Filmski centar Srbije



People Directory

Danielle Sremac

Danielle (Danijela) Sremac President of the Serbian Institute in Washington, D.C. has been named “one of the best known Serbian-American women in the U.S.” having appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows in the US and internationally, including CNN, NBC, CBS, Fox News, BBC, NPR Radio and more.

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Treasures New and Old

Writings by and about St. Nikolai Velemirovich

Before us is a book about a theologian, a minister, a missionary, a writer, a poet, an apostle, a saint, a man of dialogue: this book is about St. Nikolai Velimirovic, Bishop of Ohrid and Zhicha (1880 - 1956), who along with his many other attributes is regarded, with good reason, as an Enlightener of the Americas, The renewed interest in this man and his works has resulted in the materialization of this book for English-speaking readers who wish to become acquainted with this extraordinary person. The collected texts provide an extensive over view of his life, present important testimonies about his personality, and offer essential insights into his theology. The authors penetrate the depths of his thought with remarkable precision and also elucidate his actions. The authros agree that the appearance of Nikolai Velimirovich marks an era of change in the ecclesiastical and theological paradigm as a result of his spirituality, ecclsiastical work, and theological position.