A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Over 200 Serbian Youth meet for First Annual Chicago Folklore Festival

Chicago, IL - What a grand event for the Serbian community to see over 200 of our children from the Midwest come together on stage with pride and love of their Serbian heritage! Old Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church Sunday School was proud to host the First Annual Chicago Folklore Festival on April 28, 2012. This folklore competition brought together many Serbian families and friends from the Chicago land area, as well as from Rockford, Illinois, Mississauga and Toronto, Canada. It was indeed a beautiful program, well-organized and entertaining to all that had the chance to see it.

Hosted by the Old Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church Sunday School, the success of this event was due to the dedication of many people in their time, help and organization. The 2-hour program during the early evening displayed the distinguished dancing talents of our Serbian youth. With the setting of a school auditorium, including a spacious elevated stage, individual theater seats, and curtain call to close and open acts, our children captivated the audience with their choreography, graceful movements, and stunning traditional costumes.


Although most folklore dancers were high school age kids from the big dancing groups, of the seven churches in all, the festival was graced with 14 total groups, and 17 various regional Serbian dances. Upon completion of the program and judging results, later in the evening awards were presented at the host Church Old Holy Resurrection on Palmer Square, a few blocks away. And the winners were…

1st Place – Oplenac St Sava from Mississauga, Canada
2nd Place – Oplenac St. Jovan Bellwood, IL
3rd Place – Soko Old Holy Resurrection Palmer Sq. Chicago, IL
Honorable Mention – “Naj kompletnija grupa” was awarded to: Oplenac, St. Jovan Bellwood, IL

In conclusion, it is our hope that these kinds of events promote the eminent heart and soul of our Orthodox faith and Serbian culture in the positive spirit it deserves. The most compelling part of the evening was the outright joy and comradeship of our glowing Serbian youth. As they complimented each other on their achievements, they also made new friends, and danced the night away in unison. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s 2nd Annual Chicago Folklore Festival, hosted by the Old Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church Sunday School, “SOKO” Folklore Group.



People Directory

Dragoslav D. Šiljak

Dragoslav D. Šiljak (born 1933 in Belgrade, Serbia) is a professor of Electrical Engineering at Santa Clara University, where he holds the title of Benjamin and Mae Swig University Professor. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1963 from the University of Belgrade.

He is the author of the book 'Decentralized Control of Complex Systems', Academic Press (1991).

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Treasures New and Old

Writings by and about St. Nikolai Velemirovich

Before us is a book about a theologian, a minister, a missionary, a writer, a poet, an apostle, a saint, a man of dialogue: this book is about St. Nikolai Velimirovic, Bishop of Ohrid and Zhicha (1880 - 1956), who along with his many other attributes is regarded, with good reason, as an Enlightener of the Americas, The renewed interest in this man and his works has resulted in the materialization of this book for English-speaking readers who wish to become acquainted with this extraordinary person. The collected texts provide an extensive over view of his life, present important testimonies about his personality, and offer essential insights into his theology. The authors penetrate the depths of his thought with remarkable precision and also elucidate his actions. The authros agree that the appearance of Nikolai Velimirovich marks an era of change in the ecclesiastical and theological paradigm as a result of his spirituality, ecclsiastical work, and theological position.