A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Collections Management Certification Program SERBIA 2013 – 2014

Fionn Zarubica & Associates in partnership with The Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade, The U.S. Embassy in Belgrade and The Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Serbia

- Fionn Zarubica & Associates u partnerstvu sa Centralnim institutom za konzervaciju u Beogradu (CIK), Ambasadom SAD u Beogradu i Ministarstvom kulture i medija Republike Srbije


Collections Management Certification Program

October 7, 2013 – November 1, 2013
February 3, 2014 - February 28, 2014
May 5, 2014 – May 30, 2014

Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade

Terazije 26
Belgrade, Serbia

Fall of 2013 will welcome the second year of a professional certification program in the pioneering field of Museum Collections Management.

The program is designed for professionals from Serbia and the region already working in museums and heritage protection institutions, and students who have experience in conservation and museum work or wish to enter this new and important profession.

Lead by Fionn Zarubica, the program provides basic and advanced instruction as well as hands-on training in contemporary collections management techniques. Topics include preventive conservation, state of the art registration methods, secure art handling, packing, storing, transportation, and inventive exhibition planning, mount making, installation and de-installation.

The program is a total of twelve weeks; divided into three separate sessions over the course of a year. Each session addresses different collections issues at incrementally complex levels. Beginning with the core issues on how to care for one’s own collections within an institution (Session I), it progresses to working with objects (Session II) and broader issues dealing with the more public aspects of a collection, such as through exhibitions and loans (Session III). Upon satisfactory completion of the program the participants are awarded a professional certification acknowledging their qualifications to attend to the needs of diverse institutions internationally, to address the unique issues and requirements of a wide variety of objects and environments and implement solutions across a broad spectrum of challenges; to ensure up to date, long-term, user-friendly and cost efficient methods for protecting and preserving Serbia’s treasures.

From web-site: Fionn Zarubica & Associates

Program za upravljanje muzejskim zbirkama u Srbiji 2013 – 2014.

„Fionn Zarubica & Associates", u partnerstvu sa Centralnim institutom za konzervaciju u Beogradu (CIK), Ambasadom SAD u Beogradu i Ministarstvom kulture i medija Republike Srbije, trenutno je u procesu prijema prijava za drugu godinu sertifikovanog stručnog programa obuke iz oblasti upravljanja muzejskim zbirkama. Program se odvija u tri sesije i pruža teorijska znanja i praktičnu obuku iz savremenih tehnika vezanih za novi način upravljanja muzejskim zbirkama.

Program vodi Fionn Zarubica, iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, stručnjak za upravljanje muzejskim zbirkama i glavni partner u firmi „Fionn Zarubica & Associates".

Cilj programa je da obuči muzealce iz Srbije i regiona koji rade u muzejima i koji se staraju o zbirkama - one koji direktno rade sa lokalnim zbirkama - da konstantno utiču na popravljanje stanja svojih zbirki, čineći ih tako dostupnim kako javnosti, tako i naučnim radnicima i pedagozima. Time ovaj program doprinosi naporima da se zaštiti i očuva značajna kulturna baština u Srbiji i podstakne privredni razvoj.

Sesija I baviće se time kako se starati o muzejskim zbirkama u okviru institucije. Biće obrađene različite teme: kako društvo određuje šta je vrednost koju treba očuvati; razlititi aspekti muzejske profesije; diferencijacija vrsta zbirki i muzeja...Baviće se i metodama registracije i najvažnijim konceptima, principima i tehnikama upravljanja zbirkama.

Sesija II baviće se muzejskim predmetima: osnovnim rukovanjem radi osiguranja bezbednosti predmeta, materijalima i tehnikama za smeštaj kulturnih dobara, skladištenjem i muzejskim depoima, kontrolom štetočina, pripremom i premeštanjem predmeta u okviru muzeja, nalaženjem kreativnih rešenja za metode skladištenja korišćenjem lokalnih resursa, povećanjem zbirki, dokumentacijom i označavanjem. Takođe, tokom sesije direktna pažnja će biti usmerena i na upravljanje rizicima, kao i na zaštitu zdravlja i bezbednosti posetilaca i zaposlenih u muzeju.

Sesija III Na osnovu iskustava iz sesija I i II, sesija III će, kroz teoriju i praktičnu obuku, ponuditi napredna rešenja iz oblasti upravljanja muzejskim zbirkama, uključujući dizajn izložbi, pozajmice značajnih kulturnih dobara, kao i muzejske etike, efikasnog korišćenja resursa, najbolje prakse i održivosti. Učesnici će razmatrati kako muzeji mogu da podstaknu i podrže razvoj i stabilnost lokalne zajednice, kroz promociju nacionalne i lokalne kulture, turizma, obrazovanja, školovanja i građanske svesti. Biće reči i o mogućoj samoodrživosti muzeja kroz aktivnosti u zajednici, uz podrške donatora, kao i angažovanja i obuke volontera.

Učesnici programa su muzejski profesionalci iz Srbije i regiona, koji već rade u muzejima i institucijama zaštite kulturne baštine, kao i studenti sa iskustvom u konzervaciji i radu u muzejima ili željom da počnu da se bave tom strukom.

Predavanja će biti održana u prostorijama Centralnog instituta za konzervaciju u Beogradu. Sve informacije o programu se mogu naći onlajn na fionnzarubica.com i cik.org.rs.



People Directory

Desko Nikitovic

Desko Nikitovic, Executive Chairman of East Point Metals Ltd, was born in Arilje, Serbia on November 11, 1960. He received his law degree from the University of Belgrade in 1989. From 1987 to 1990, Mr. Nikitovic was an active member of the “opposition movement” advocating democracy in Serbia. He immigrated to the United States in 1990 and has lived in Chicago for the past 30 years.

As a representative of Serbian diaspora in the United States, Mr. Nikitovic made numerous appearances on US national and local television and radio programs, promoting democratic changes in Yugoslavia. He served as President of the Serbian Unity Congress in Chicago, from 1998-2002.

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Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection

Proceedings of the Symposium on St. Maximus the Confessor

The present volume is a collection of presentations delivered at the St Maximus the Confessor International Symposium held in Belgrade at the University of Belgrade from 18 to 21 October 2012. The Belgrade Symposium brought together the following speakers: Demetrios Bathrellos, Grigory Benevitch, Calinic Berger, Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Brian Daley, Paul Gavrilyuk, Atanasije Jevtić, Joshua Lollar, Andrew Louth, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Maximos of Simonopetra, Ignatije Midić, Pascal Mueller-Jourdan, Alexei Nesteruk, Aristotle Papanikolaou, George Parsenios, Philipp Gabriel Renczes, Nino Sakvarelidze, Torstein Tollefsen, George Varvatsoulias, Maxim Vasiljević, Christos Yannaras, and John Zizioulas. The papers and discussions in this volume of the proceedings of the Belgrade Symposium amply attest to the reputation of Saint Maximus the Confessor as the most universal spirit of the seventh century, and perhaps the greatest thinker of the Church.

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