A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Breze Ethno Choir

Breze is the female ethno choir of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Phoenix, AZ. Breze is composed completely of Stevan Hristich church choir members who have chosen to expand their singing talents outside of the liturgical environment.

This group was formed in early January of 2013 by Gordana Stojanovic Mihajlovich and its members all posses a deep passion for singing. They hope to grow and make this group a success not only in Phoenix, but also through Serbian communities across the world.

Breze hopes to further educate young people of the Serbian Diaspora about Serbian culture and traditions as well as present the heritage of Serbian ethnic music. Breze aspires to encourage younger generations to be get involved in their Serbian heritage and traditions. They also hope to encourage the continuation of traditional songs in the Serbian Orthodox culture and faith as an important part of the participants' lives.

Breze has been extremely active since their start. Their performances include: the St Sava Day celebration in Phoenix, the Global Village festival in Gilbert, the Stevan Hristich Liturgical Concert in Phoenix, and SSF Festival in Lansing, IL. They are looking forward to performing at Diocesan Days in Los Angeles in September, and at the annual Stevan Hristich choir concert in October 2013. They are also looking to traveling to Chicago with the choir in November.

The members of Breze are: Alexis Baich, Marina Lazarevic, Vesna Lazarevic, Natasha Novakovic, Nina Novakovic, Sasha Pasic, Stefany Pasic, Mihaila Tuba and Marija Knezevic. They are directed by Gordana Stojanovic-Mihajlovich, with a help of assistant director, Ivana Njegovan.

Breze also has a group of great people behind the scenes supporting the team of singers: Mila Baich, choir president, as well as other members of the supporting staff, Slavica Ristic, protinica Kristina Tuba and Kristi Lazarevic. The group is also greatly accepted and supported by many members of the St Sava parish in Phoenix, Arizona, led by very reverent father Dragomir Tuba. Breze are looking forward to the future projects and songs! Stay tuned…


Вокална група Брезе

Брезе су девојке које чине етно хор при цркви „Свети Сава“ у Фениску, Аризона. Ова група је састављена од чланица хора „Стеван Христић“ које су изабрале да прошире свој репертоар ван литургијског окружења. Гордана Стојановић-Михајловић, уметнички директор ове групе, се по први пут састала са девојкама у јануару 2013 са жељом да направе Брезе. Оне од тада активно раде са жељом да постигну успех у својој мисији певања традиционалних српских песама, не само у Аризони, него и у српској заједници широм света.

Брезе се такође труде да упуте младе људе српске дијаспоре у српску културу и обичаје и покушавају да их охрабре да одрже српску традицију и Православље, ван матице Србије. Одржавање Православне вере и српских обичаја је врло важан део живота наших девојака.

Брезе су веома активне од самог почетка. Већ су певале на прослави дана Св. Саве у јануару и на литургијском концерту хора „Стеван Христић“ у мају месецу, у цркви у Фениксу, затим на фестивалу „Глобално Село“ у Гилберту у Аризони, и коначно на фестивалу „Српске Певачке Федерације Америке“, као саставни део хора „Стеван Христић“, у Ленсингу код Чикага.

Оне се већ спремају да путују у Лос Анђелес на „Патријаршијске дане“ крајем августа и такође на концерт хора „Бранко Радичевић“ у Чикагу, средином новембра 2013. Негде у будућности Брезе се надају свом првом солистичком концерту.

Чланице групе, које деле свој певачки таленат, под вођством Гордане Стојановић – Михајловић и асистенцијом Иване Његован, су: Алексис Бајић, Марина и Весна Лазаревић, Наташа и Нина Новаковић, Саша и Стефани Пашић, Михаила Туба и Марија Кнежевић. Чланице тима Брезе које подржавају групу у организацији и логистици су Мила Бајић, Славица Ристић, протиница Кристина Туба и Кристи Лазаревић.

Брезе су веома срећне да имају подршку српске заједнице при цркви „Св. Сава“ у Фениксу, на челу са протом Драгомиром Туба и радују се будућим пројектима и песмама.



People Directory

Bishop Mardarije (Uskokovic)

The First Serbian Bishop of America and Canada
Bishop Mardarije was born in Podgorica on December 22, 1889, his father, Pero, being a tribal captain and mother Jela, nee Bozovic. He finished elementary school in Cetinje where he started high school, continuing in Belgrade. Leaving high school in his fifth year, he went to Studenica Monastery. In 1906, with the blessing of Bishop Sava (Barac) of Zica, he took monastic vows and was ordained a deacon. He graduated from the Seminary in Kisenjev where a collection of his sermons was published. From here he went to St. Petersburg, graduating from the Theological Academy in 1916.

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In the Mirror

A Collection of Iconographic Essays and Illustrations

By Fr. Stamatis Skliris

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publication of an outstanding book by Fr. Stamatis Skliris, a disciple of the great twentieth-century theologians Archimandrite Justin Popovich and Bishop Athanasius Yevtich. Fr. Stamatis is a parish priest in Athens and is renowned as an iconographer and as a writer and lecturer on Byzantine iconography.

In the Mirror is the second of a planned collection of works of contemporary theologians. It is an anthology of Fr. Stamatis’ articles which have appeared in Greek and Serbian. In it, he combines adherence to the teachings of the Church Fathers with a vibrant expression of faith through the experience of Christ in the Church. The book is adorned with more than 200 striking icons and illustrations by Fr. Stamatis.

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