A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Мила Турајлић у Америчкој академији бира документарац за Оскара

Редитељку Милу Турајлић позвала је Америчка академија за филмску уметност и науку да буде њихов члан у сектору документаристике, што значи да ће моћи да учествује и у гласању за Оскара у категорији документарних остварења, преноси Танјуг. Задовољство због овог позива, редитељка је поделила на својој фејсбук страници. Академија је позвала 819 филмских уметника и радника „који су се истакли доприносом биоскопским филмовима и филмској уметности”, а поред Турајлићеве на листи су и аутори филма „Земља меда” Тамара Котевска и Љубо Стефанов, али и многобројни добитници Оскара попут екипе филма „Паразит”.

„Веома сам почаствована позивом да се придружим академији. Невероватно је што ћу се наћи у тако цењеном друштву, у класи 2020, чији је досадашњи рад веома инспиришући. У њих сврставам многе пријатеље, колеге и менторе, а то само показује великодушност и љубав које ова заједница пружа”, написала је Турајлићева, која је недавно дошла у Београд како би доснимила сцене за свој нови документарни филм „Досије Лабудовић”, за који завршава монтажу.

Извор: Политика



People Directory

Maja Herman - Sekulić

Maya Herman (Maja Herman - Sekulic) is a well-known Yugoslav writer and internationally published author, translator, editor and journalist.

In 2000, she finished her first novel Kralj svile , (published in Serbian by Narodna knjiga, Mega hit ed., Belgrade), which immediately became a bestseller. It was nominated in 2001 for an award as the best novel of the year (“Zensko pero”, Bazar, Belgrade), and in 2002 it appeared in the 2nd print with a new cover. In Search of The Silk King is the new, expanded English version of the story.

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On Divine Philanthropy

From Plato to John Chrysostom

by Bishop Danilo Krstic

This book describes the use of the notion of divine philanthropy from its first appearance in Aeschylos and Plato to the highly polyvalent use of it by John Chrysostom. Each page is marked by meticulous scholarship and great insight, lucidity of thought and expression. Bishop Danilo’s principal methodology in examining Chrysostom is a philological analysis of his works in order to grasp all the semantic shades of the concept of philanthropia throughout his vast literary output. The author overviews the observable development of the concept of philanthropia in a research that encompasses nearly seven centuries of literary sources. Peculiar theological connotations are studied in the uses of divine philanthropia both in the classical development from Aeschylos via Plutarch down to Libanius, Themistius of Byzantium and the Emperor Julian, as well as in the biblical development, especially from Philo and the New Testament through Origen and the Cappadocians to Chrysostom.

With this book, the author invites us to re-read Chrysostom’s golden pages on the ineffable philanthropy of God. "There is a modern ring in Chrysostom’s attempt to prove that we are loved—no matter who and where we are—and even infinitely loved, since our Friend and Lover is the infinite Triune God."

The victory of Chrysostom’s use of philanthropia meant the affirmation of ecclesial culture even at the level of Graeco-Roman culture. May we witness the same reality today in the modern techno-scientific world in which we live.