A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

Dimitrije Vasiljević – Srpski Kit Džeret

Bilo je to veče koje će se pamtiti. U epicentru svetskog džeza - Ginič Vilidžu na Menhetnu, džez-pijanista i kompozitor mlađe generacije, Dimitrije Vasljević održao je 11.. oktobra solistički koncert, i malo je reći – oduševio je publiku.

Gostima okupljenim u „Tenri“ kulturnom centru u Njujorku, koji su usled interesovanja koje je premašilo kapacitet sale, bili smeštani i na fotelje izvučene iz obližnjih kancelarija ili su strpljivo stajali u uglovima, Dimitrije se najpre predstavio originalnom kompozicijom „Elipsis” (“Ellipsis”) koja je dala ton čitavoj večeri.


Iza toga su se ređale nove kompozicije, kao i nekoliko svežih i originalnih aranžmana poznatih džea standarda “Sav bluz” (“All Blues”) Majls Dejvisa, “Epistrofa” (“Epistrophy”) Telonijus Monka, i “Preludijum za poljubac” (“Prelude to a Kiss”) Djuk Elingtona koje je Dimitrije odsvirao u slavu ovih legendi džeza. “Ocean Express” jedina kompozicija za solo klavir sa Dimitrijevog prvog albuma “Put Silvana” (“The Path of Silvan”) se takođe našla na repoertoaru. Kulminacija večeri je predstavljala široka, zanosna i na momente gotovo melalholična kompozicija „Daleko“ (“Far”), koju je, kako nam je Dimitrije rekao, posvetio „svim onima koje volimo, a daleko su od nas“.

Repertoar sačinjen od kompozicija u kojima se prepliće moderna interpretacija legendarnih džez standarda sa autorskim kompozicijama koje inspiraciju crpe iz svakodnevnog života ne treba da nas čudi. Dimitrije je prve muzičke korake napravio u Beogradu, svirajući u više renomiranih džez sastava, da bi se, nakon završenog Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti, i značajnih uspeha na prestižnim evropskim festivalima uključujući “Motro Džez Festival” (“Montreux Jazz Festival”) otisnuo u svet. Diplomirao je na najpoznatijem fakultetu za modernu muziku Berkli u Bostonu (“Berklee College of Music), a sada završava magistarske studije na Njujork Univerzitetu (“New York University”) gde ujedno i predaje džez klavir.

„Dimitrije je svirač svetskog ranga“, rekao nam je posle koncerta Predrag Vasić, osnivač i dirigent Simfonijskog orkestra Ujedinjenih Nacija, pojasnivši kako je „jako teško držati pažnju solo instrumentom, a to je Dimitriju očigledno pošlo za rukom.“ Vasić je potom dodao da je Dimitrije ne samo virtuoz na klaviru, nego i originalni stvaralac, i da je po zvuku i kvalitetu veoma sličan Kitu Džeretu.

Danijela Milić, organizator koncerta i Dimitrijev menadžer i prijatelj koja preko 20 godina živi u inostranstvu, najviše u Njujorku, nam je posle koncerta kazala: “Od prvog trenutka kada sam upoznala Dimitrija i čula njegovu muziku, prepoznala sam njegov dar i osjetila da je on neko koga vrijedi podržati i ko mi može biti idealan partner u mom višegodisnjem nastojanju usmjerenom u tri pravca – promovisanje naše kulture na ovim prostorima, okupljanje naše zajednice u dijaspori oko pravih kulturnih vrijednosti kao i približavanje ljudi iz svih krajeva svijeta kroz najuniverzalniji jezik – muziku. Sudeći po brojnim aplauzima i pozivu na bis rekla bih da smo u tome večeras uspjeli jer jei publika od 7 do 77 godina iz preko 20 zemalja, uključujući i naše sunarodnike, sa zadovoljstvom slušala sprkog pijanistu.”

Dimitrije će se njujorškoj ali i svetskoj javnosti ponovo predstaviti uskoro. Već za par nedelja on će predvoditi svoj džez kvartet na nastupu u njujoškom klubu Metropoliten Rum (“Metroplitan Room”). Njegov koncert u „Karnegi holu“ je zakazan za mart sledeće godine, a novi album pod nazivom “Metafora” (“Metaphor”) se očekuje početkom sledeće godine.

Marija Šajkaš



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Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich

Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich
by Hieromonk Damascene (Christensen)
St. Herman of Alaska Monastery, Platina, California



1. An Apostle of Universal Significance

Born during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, Archimandrite Sebastian Dabovich has the distinction of being the first person born in the United States of America to be ordained as an Orthodox priest,[1] and also the first native-born American to be tonsured as an Orthodox monk. His greatest distinction, however, lies in the tremendous apostolic, pastoral, and literary work that he accomplished during the forty-eight years of his priestly ministry. Known as the "Father of Serbian Orthodoxy in America,"[2] he was responsible for the founding of the first Serbian churches in the NewWorld. This, however, was only one part of his life's work, for he tirelessly and zealously sought to spread the Orthodox Faith to all peoples, wherever he was called. He was an Orthodox apostle of universal significance.

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Sailors of the Sky

A conversation with Fr. Stamatis Skliris and Fr. Marko Rupnik on contemporary Christian art

In these timely conversations led by Fr. Radovan Bigovic, many issues are introduced that enable the contemporary reader to deepen and expand his or her understanding of the role of art in the life of the Church. Here we find answers to questions on the crisis of contemporary ecclesiastical art in West and East; the impact of Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstract painting on contemporary ecclesiastical painting; and a consideration of the main distrinction between iconography and secular painting. The dialogue, while resolving some doubts about the difference between iconography, religious painting, and painting in general, reconciles the requirement to obey inconographic canons with the freedom essential to artistic creativity, demonstrating that obedience to the canons is not a threat to the vitatlity of iconography. Both artists illumine the role of prayer and ascetisicm in the art of iconography. They also mention curcial differences between iconography in the Orthodox Church and in Roman Catholicism. How important thse distinctions are when exploring the relationship between contemporary theology and art! In a time when postmodern "metaphysics' revitalizes every concept, these masters still believe that, to some extent, Post-Modernism adds to the revitatiztion of Christian art, stimulating questions about "artistic inspiration" and the essential asethetic categories of Christian painting. Their exceptionally wide, yet nonetheless deep, expertise assists their not-so-everday connections between theology, ar, and modern issues concerning society: "society" taken in its broader meaning as "civilization." Finally, the entire artistic project of Stamatis and Rupnik has important ecumenical implications that aswer a genuine longing for unity in the Christian word.

The text of this 94-page soft-bound book has been translated from the Serbian by Ivana Jakovljevic, Fr. Gregory Edwards, and Andrijana Krstic. Published by Sebastian Press, Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Contemporary Christian Thought Series, number 7, First Edition, ISBN: 978-0-9719505-8-0