A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

"It’s important to be humble, and important to be very open-minded toward all the people in the world. It doesn’t matter who it is, really, or how much amount of success that person has made, because you don’t measure the person through the success the person has made, but through his behavior."


...I advise you then, to go to cemetery when others go. There are beautifully arranged Serbian cemeteries in America. They were arranged by the Serbian natives who considered cemeteries – as they should be considered – the holiest places after God's holy church. You should know how beautiful Serbian tombstones are at the monastery of St. Sava in Libertyville, then the two cemeteries in Pittsburg, St. Sava and St. George, then thecemetery that is the most known among Orthodox people in San Francisco (Serbian Benevolent Society), then that olden one in Jackson, in Los Angeles and other places. - Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich

The best hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops and cultural spots in the city.

Visitors to Belgrade often hesitate to tell friends about the city's charms. In the calm of the last decade, the capital of Serbia has experienced a cultural explosion and today it feels distinctly like Europe's best-kept secret.


An exhibition of the Belgrade Museum of Nikola Tesla has opened at the New York Hall of Science in Queens.

The opening was attended by Heir to the Yugoslav Throne Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević, his wife Katarina, members of the diplomatic corps and intellectual and science figures from New York.

The exhibition, "Tesla's Wonderful World of Electricity," opened on Wednesday, on the birthday of the Serbian-American scientist and inventor, and was prepared in coordination with the New York museum and supported by the Belgrade City Hall and the Serbian General Consulate in New York.


Вашингтон – Никола Тесла је поново међу Американцима, овога пута захваљујући новој биографији генијалног научника, која је своју вашингтонску промоцију имала у уторак у Музеју америчке историје, делу престижне „Смитсонијан” институције, у оквиру које је највећи музејски комплекс света.

„Тесла, проналазач електричног доба” је књига од 500 страна чији је аутор Бернар Карлсон, професор на Универзитету Вирџинија и експерт за улогу технологије и иноваторства у америчкој историји.


Mr Ivan Tasovac, director of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, gave a speech at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Wednesday, 12 June 2013. Debate “Culture and Development” was opened by the UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon and the President of the United Nations General Assembly Mr Vuk Jeremić.

In interactive panel discussion, except Ivan Tasovac, keynote speakers were Mr Thomas Campbell, Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Anthony Tommasini, the Chief Music Critic for the New York Times and Ms Miri Ben-Ari, Grammy Award Winning Violinist and Goodwill Ambassador of Music at the UN Brazil.


Director, composer and writer Arsenije Jovanovic won an award at New York Festival’s International Radio Programs & Promos Competition for the piece entitled “Sogno di un automobile,” according to Avant art magazin.

Jovanovic won the bronze radio award in a field of participants from 36 countries, where he was the only one from the former Yugoslavia.


WASHINGTON – Prima donna of the Belgrade opera and world-renowned mezzo-soprano Jadranka Jovanovic staged a concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington on Monday with a varied setlist including arias and songs from Serbia and other countries.

In the hour-long concert entitled “A Rainbow of Music Serbian Quartet,” she was accompanied by baritone Dimitrije Lazic, and pianists Nikola Rackov and Djordje Nesic.

They performed works of Mokranjac, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff and several standards.




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Bishop Hrizostom (Stolić)


After the death of Bishop Grigorije the Western Diocese was administered by Irinej, Bishop of Niš, from October 1985 until May 1986, and by Sava, Bishop of Šumadija, from July 1986 until May 1988.

The Holy Bishops’ Assembly at the regular session in May 1988 elected Archimandrite Hrizostom Stolić as a Bishop of the Western Diocese.

Bishop Hrizostom was born in 1939 in Ruma where he graduated from elementary school and middle school (High School). After High School he went to the Dečani Monastery where he took monastic vows. He was ordained to hierodeacon and hieromonk by Rt. Rev. Pavle, Bishop of Ras-Prizren. Soon afterwards he went to America to be at the service to his Church and people. He studied at the Seminary in the Russian Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville. He then came to Chicago and helped the pastor at Holy Resurrection Church with his duties. He was appointed temporary pastor of St. George Church in East Chicago, Indiana in 1967. He remained there until 1969. For two years he established firm spiritual roots in the community. He felt a higher calling and responded to it. In 1969 he went to the Hilandar Monastery at Mount Athos in Greece, where he remained for nineteen years. There he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by the Patriarch of Constantinople, His Holiness Demitrius the First. At one time he was elected a Dean of Mount Athos. He was a librarian in the Hilandar Monastery. Along with the spiritual growth he advanced his intellectual dimensions. He published the Lives of the Holy Fathers in two volumes and the Liturgy of St. Apostle James, which he translated into the Serbian language.

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Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија

Serbian Edition, author Bishop Athanasius Yevtich (издање на српском језику, аутор епископ Атанасије Јевтић)

Период двадесетог века представљао је врло комплексно раздобље везано за развој литургијско-богословске мисли у нашој помесној Цркви. Осећајући насушну еклисијалну и пастирску потребу да поменуту мисао надгради и истовремено је учини приступачнијом народу Божијем, епископ Атанасије Јевтић се одлучио да понуди тротомно дело под насловом: Христос – Нова Пасха – Божанствена Литургија. Иако се објављивање трећег тома тек очекује, сматрамо да богословској и читалачкој пажњи треба представити два тома који су већ изашли.

Сложени назив овог епохалног издања, које може бити препознато као „српска литургијска стромата двадесет и првог века“, аутор је начинио на основу одељка из Прве Посланице Коринћанима светог апостола Павла: Јер се Пасха наша Христос жртвова за нас (1Кор 5, 7). Дело се састоји из два тома и намењено је, према речима епископа Атанасија, „богобојажљивим и христочежњивим љубитељима Божанских Тајни, усрдним учесницима Свете Литургије и причесницима Богочовечанских Светиња“. Наиме, у њему су сабрани текстови о Светој и Божанственој Евхаристији од најранијих времена Цркве Христове (првог века) све до савременог доба, а сâм циљ јесте „раскривање литургијских, еклисиолошких, космичких и есхатолошких димензија Светајне Христа и Његове Цркве“. Највећи део сабраних литургијско-светоотачких текстова се по први пут појављује на српском језику, благодарећи преводилачком и прегалачком труду епископа Атанасија. Уз то, веома су драгоцени његови оригинални коментари. Треба истаћи да су оба тома штампана са тврдим корицама у штампарији Интерклима Графика у Врњачкој Бањи.

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