A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla
Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt
While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson
Saturday, February 8, at 5 pm
International House, Chevron Auditorium, http://ihouse.berkeley.edu
University of California, Berkeley
A multimedia presentation commemorating the 100 year anniversary of World War One.
Special program by children of the Serbian Sunday School “Sv. Sava” from Saratoga
Co-sponored by Association of Electrical Engineers ETF_BAFA
Music Program by Branislav Bubalo-accordion, with Sofija Nedic-piano, Milica Grahovac-violin, Marija Zaric-flute, Nena Lovre-keyboard, Bob Fowler-piano, and the Berkeley Serbian Student Choir
Refreshments will be provided.
Donations are welcome!
Location: 2299 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720-2320
(The corner of Piedmont Ave. and Bancroft Way)
Parking and Public Transit: http://ihouse.berkeley.edu/about/location.php
Nedavno objavljivanje zvaničnih podataka iz popisa 2011. godine, po kojima u SAD ima samo 176.666 Srba, a čak 434.425 Hrvata, 179.806 Slovenaca i 182.423 Albanaca, ozbiljno je uznemirilo pripadnike srpske zajednice u Americi.
- Zar nas da ima manje od Albanaca, pa to je neverovatno!? Mora da je neka greška u brojanju - prva je reakcija srpskih patriota u SAD.
Iznenađenje je utoliko veće jer Srbi govore kako ih je u Americi ceo milion, kako je Čikago sa 300.000 žitelja najveći srpski grad u dijaspori i kako su Srbi sa 11 dobitnika Oskara i pet Pulicerovih nagrada jedan od najuspešnijih doseljenih naroda u SAD.
- Sve ove srpske bajke su sada srušene, jer je zvanična statistika pokazala da su Srbi mali narod u Americi. I da nestaju u ovoj ogromnoj zemlji od 307 miliona stanovnika. Za nestajanje Srba krivi su prvo loš američki pristup nacionalnom pitanju prilikom popisa stanovništva, a potom i srpska potreba ka skrivanju u američkom društvu - kaže dr Miroslav Božinović, politički analitičar iz Detroita i vlasnik sajta „Serbijana“.
.The film is about two people growing up in Serbia's northern province of Vojvodina and it is the only film from Serbia and the region at this year's festival.
The Disobedient focuses on a drama that promotes courage to wander and explore outside the framework imposed by the society or any other authority. It is a tale of the right to love, freedom, beauty and life, Djukic explained.
.Nikola Tesla died 71 years ago on January 7th, 1943 in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. His eulogy was delivered over the radio — which he invented — by then New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia.
"I have been honored and been asked to read a tribute to a great American, Nikola Tesla, written by another great American, Lewis Adaleigh, both natives of what we know as Yugoslavia but coming from different parts. They were friends.
On last Thursday night here in our city of New York, a man who was 87 years of age died in his humble hotel room. His name was Nikola Tesla. He died in poverty, but he was one of the most useful and successful men who ever lived. His achievements were great and are becoming greater as time goes on. Nikola Tesla could have amassed hundreds of millions of dollars, could have become the richest man in the country, in the world, if he wished for riches. He didn’t. He did not care for anything, did not have time for anything that spelled success for too many people.
.U Americi se nedeljno u proseku objavi pet negativnih vesti o Srbiji. Poslednja takva glasi da prosečni Amerikanac misli da je Srbija „lažna država u kojoj se povoljno letuje“.
U Švajcarskoj je već običaj da se u pravosuđu i medijima svaki kriminalac sa Balkana označava kao Srbin.
- Čak i u Rumuniji, sa kojom Srbija ima dobre odnose, imidž naše zemlje nije sjajan. Rumuni gaje simpatije prema Srbiji, ali njihovi novinari i dalje godišnje pišu jedva desetak lepih tekstova o našoj zemlji - kaže Rajko Kronja, pisac i novinar iz Rumunije.
Može li dijaspora da podigne ugled naše otadžbine u svetu? Srbi u svetu žive u devedeset država, gde imamo na stotine svojih nacionalnih i kulturnih organizacija i medija. Kako svedoče naši sagovornici, ugled iseljenih Srba poslednjih godina raste, a sa njima se pobošljava i imidž Srbije.
.The 20-minute work “makes a huge emotional journey in a relatively short period of time, moving through many landscapes between the mysterious, moody opening and the ecstatic conclusion,” said award director Marc Satterwhite.