A great man is one who collects knowledge the way a bee collects honey and uses it to help people overcome the difficulties they endure - hunger, ignorance and disease!
- Nikola Tesla

Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.
- Franklin Roosevelt

While their territory has been devastated and their homes despoiled, the spirit of the Serbian people has not been broken.
- Woodrow Wilson

The audience rewarded the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra with several minutes of standing ovations for the final concert of its American tour, held in preeminent Carnegie Hall in New York. This historic concert marks the beginning of the new era of the orchestra’s international success.

In a concert hall that represents the artistic dream of any musician, the Belgrade Philharmonic was breathlessly listened to by more than 1500 people. Taking a firm step, the orchestra opened the grand finale of its first American tour with Tchaikovsky’s Slavonic March. The voice of Željko Lučić, who joined the Belgrade Philharmonic by courtesy of the Metropolitan Opera, raised a storm of delight in the audience. The unity and closeness felt in his appearance with the Belgrade Philharmonic brought them back on the stage for encore, in which they performed the aria Eri tu from Verdi’s Un ballo in maschera.


The concert at the Strathmore Music Center in Washington D.C was the third performance on the U.S. tour and, once again, the audience was completely enchanted. They first stood up for the American and Serbian national anthems at the beginning of the concert, but as the orchestra’s last tones reverberated in the hall they were on their feet again, calling for encore.

The Belgrade Philharmonic’s orchestra not only connected the Serbian and American audiences, but it also gathered members of the U.S. diplomatic corps. Beside the US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby, the concert was also attended by his predecessor Mary Warlick.


The Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ohio National Guard’s Army Band together performed the American and Serbian national anthems at the beginning of the concert at Cleveland’s Severance Hall. As a symbol of American-Serbian friendship, the musicians joined forces and played the two anthems in ceremonious fashion.

The Belgrade-based orchestra brought two programmes on the U.S tour and Cleveland got Khachaturian’s Masquerade and The Legend of Ohrid written by Stevan Hristić, a founder and the first Chief Conductor of the orchestra. Sibelius’ Symphony No. 2 is common to both programmes. The special performance, which the audience rewarded with ecstatic applause, was augmented by the acoustics of this dazzling concert hall, for which it is well-known around the world.


Београдска филхармонија је величанственим наступом у Чикагу отворила своју прву турнеју по САД-у. Под управом маестра Мухаја Танга, уз чувеног баритона Жељка Лучића, изазвала је овације у пуној сали раскошне дворане Симфонијског центра у Чикагу.

Енергичним тактовима Словенског марша Чајковског, Београдска филхармонија је закорачала у своје музичке победе на најелитнијој међународној сцени. Одломци из  Вердијевих опера Магбет и Риголето, у маестралном извођењу Жељка Лучића, подариле су публици дух европске традиције, а Филхармоничарима ужитак да се представе са својим омиљеним солистом.


Свет је ових дана обишла вест да је Ричард Ли Норис (39) из Мериленда, човек коме је пре две године урађена најкомпликованија трансплантација лица на свету поново ужива у животу и да је успео готово у потпуности да поврати некадашњи изглед. Више се не стиди да се слика, научио је поново да једе и говори и нашао је девојку. Захвалан је лекарима што су му вратили веру у живот, извевши једну од најкомпликованијих трансплантација у историји медицине.


The Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra arrived in windy Chicago, where they will start their American tour on Monday, 6 October.

The 108 members of the orchestra and support staff used their free time to rest and have fun in the USA's third largest city. The photo taken in the Millennium Park, with the Belgrade Philharmonic members reflecting in the symbol of modern Chicago, is the orchestra's first document created in North America. Cloud Gate, the mirror-like object seen in the photograph, is the first public sculpture of Anish Kapoor in this continent. It was designed to reflect the sights of the Millennium Park, celebrating the beginning of the new millennium, which is why it was symbolically chosen as the place of the Philharmonic's new success.

For the first time in their 91-year history, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, will tour the U.S., visiting four major markets in October 2014.

The Orchestra, under the direction of its Chief Conductor Muhai Tang, will appear first at Symphony Hall in Chicago on October 6th, then at Severance Hall in Cleveland on October 7th, at Strathmore Music Center in Bethesda, MD on October 8th, and at Carnegie Hall’s Stern Auditorium in New York City on October 9th. Serbian baritone Zeljko Lucic, a Met Opera sensation, will perform as a soloist.




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Branko Bojovic

Dr. Bojovic is an expert in adult and pediatric craniofacial surgery, and microsurgery for congenital, oncologic and traumatic conditions. Among his specialties are adult microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck following oncologic surgery, post-traumatic injury, and treatment of pediatric syndromic and non-syndromic craniofacial disorders, such as craniosynostosis and cleft lip and palate. His research focuses on composite tissue allotransplantation and tissue engineering, as well as clinical outcomes following surgery for cleft lip and palate surgery and facial trauma.


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The Meaning of Reality

Essays on Existence and Communion, Eros and History

by Christos Yannaras

The collection of articles traces the thought of Christos Yanaras through his long journey in discovering the meaning of existence, communion, eros, and history. It is a cause of immense joy that no fewer than twenty articles of passionate significance and substance have at present been gathered together in this volume under the title The Meaning of Reality.

Yannaras is undoubtedly one of the most significant thinkers of our time. Kallistos Ware once described him as "the most creative and prophetic religious thinker at work in Greece today," while Rowan Williams characterizes him as "one of the most significant Christian philosophers in Europe." His very wide and no less deep education helps him to develop an inimitable blend of philosophy, theology, and social criticism, and to speak in an original way about the traditional and contemporary issues of human existence, as well as the latest challenges of modern empirical science and political engagement. A detailed knowledge of the writings of the Holy Fathers has always been his foundation amidst the labyrinth of modern thought - which is inimately bound up with psychoanalysis, environmental issues, human rights, postmodernism, and pluralism , to mention just a few. Insistence on the primacy, uniqueness, and eternal value of human personality prevails in almost all his works and inspires his own vigorous theological and ecumenical engagement, based on the Orthodox eucharistic and ascetic tradition.